
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w5423112
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Background: Thoracoscopic techniques have gained increasing acceptance in pediatric surgery, but experience with newborns and small children is limited. To our knowledge, a series of minimally invasive resection of pulmonary sequestration in newborns has not yet been reported in the literature. We report on 5 patients with pulmonary sequestration thoracoscopically. Methods: From November 2000 to November 2002, 5 patients underwent thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary sequestration. Ages ranged from 4 to 91 days. Two patients had postnatal pulmonary symptoms. Preoperative diagnosis was dubious in 4 children. There were 4 extralobar and 1 intralobar pulmonary sequestrations. Results: Thoracoscopy was performed with 3-mm instruments and 3 to 5 ports. All procedures were completed successfully. The median duration of the operation was 95 minutes (range, 63-117 minutes), and visualization was excellent. Anomalous blood vessels were clipped and/or ligated. Four patients were extubated immediately after the operation, 1, the day after. The postoperative course was uneventful in all children. At follow-up after 14 months (mean; range, 10-19 months), all patients were free of symptoms and had normal chest x-rays. Conclusion: Thoracoscopy is feasible for resection of intra-and extralobar pulmonary sequestrations during the first 3 months of life. Background: Thoracoscopic techniques have gained increasing acceptance in pediatric surgery, but experience with newborns and small children is limited. To our knowledge, a series of minimally invasive resection of pulmonary sequestration in newborns has not yet been reported in the literature. We report on 5 Patients with pulmonary sequestration thoracoscopically. Methods: From November 2000 to November 2002, 5 patients underwent thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary sequestration. Ages ranged from 4 to 91 days. Two patients had postnatal pulmonary symptoms. Preoperative diagnosis was dubious in 4 children. The procedures were completed successfully. The median duration of the operation was 95 minutes (range, 63-117 minutes), and visualization was excellent. Anomalous blood vessels were clipped and / or ligated. Four patients were extubated immedi The postoperative course was uneventful in all children. At follow-up after 14 months (mean; range, 10-19 months), all patients were free of symptoms and had normal chest x- rays. Conclusion: Thoracoscopy is feasible for resection of intra-and extralobar pulmonary sequestrations during the first 3 months of life.
历史给了浦东一个机会,浦东还给世界一个惊喜。一个浦东盘活了整个上海,浦东开发带来的是整个上海的复兴。  在今天所能见到的、大约在19世纪末拍摄的浦东照片上,当时的陆家嘴只有一棵树,其余什么也看不到。1918年,孙中山先生曾深情地说:如果浦东发展到浦西的水平,那中国就不得了了。  但浦东一直沉睡着。  上世纪80年代中期,越过黄浦江到海边,一路只见村庄。浦东到浦西,没有桥,人流、物流的往来依靠轮渡,
著名数学家陈景润的读书方法很特别.成名之后,他在一篇文章中谈到:“我读书不只满足于读懂,而是要把读懂的东西背得滚瓜烂熟.熟能生巧嘛!”我国著名文学家鲁迅先生也曾把他进行文学创作的经验总结成:“静观默察,烂熟于心;凝思结想,然后一挥而就.”  要把书读到滚瓜烂熟,是需要极大的毅力的,尤其是数学方面的书,没有故事情节,只有抽象的公式和符号.但是在陈景润的眼中,数学书闪烁着幽远、神奇的光彩.陈景润在厦门
俗话说,“万物生长靠太阳”、太阳给大地带来了光和热,使万物得以生存、成长。阳光是绿色植物通过光合作用制造有机物质的唯一能源,是“绿色工厂”的动力。 As the saying