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食品雕刻可以美化宴席、烘托气氛、给就餐者增添欢快与愉悦,使之获得美的享受.因此,食品雕刻只宜表现人们喜闻乐见的题材,表达真、善、美的主题.厨师要创作好的食雕,就应该提高自身的文化艺术修养.厨师可以从绘画、玉雕、木雕、牙雕、贝雕等艺术中吸取技巧,因为食品雕刻与工艺美术同属于造型艺术,在许多方面都有相同之处.同时,厨师对生活中的各种事物应象艺术家一样去观察和体验,对所表现对象的形态、构成、颜色及显著特点都要有一个全面的了解和掌握,从中提取创作素材,并引发创作灵感.另外,还可以从文学神话传说、民间工艺中获得创作素材,也可以吸取前人与同时代人的食品雕刻技巧并从中得到启迪.总之,通过文化艺术修养的培育和提高,会使雕刻的作品更加新颖别致,生动形象,意境幽远、情趣横溢,从而达到诗情画意的艺术境界.食品雕刻的主要任务是陶冶情感、增添情趣、诱发食欲、给食客以美的享受,因此它的造型要求生动、形象、新颖,做到主题鲜明、个性突出,富有意境和情趣.有的作品是对现实生活的体现,要求栩栩如生、 Food carving can beautify the banquet, heighten the atmosphere, add to the diners joy and pleasure, so that the United States enjoy the enjoyment Therefore, food carving should only show people loved the theme, the true, good, beautiful theme. , You should improve your cultural and artistic accomplishments.Cooks can learn skills from the art of painting, jade, wood carving, tooth carving, shell carving, etc. Because food carving and arts and crafts belong to the same kind of art, they are similar in many aspects.At the same time, The chef should observe and experience all kinds of things in his life just as the artist does. He should have a comprehensive understanding and mastery of the form, composition, color and salient features of the objects he manifests, extract creative materials and inspire his creation. In addition, you can also get the creative material from the myths and legends of literature, folk craft, and learn from the food engraving skills of predecessors and contemporaries. In short, through cultivation and improvement of culture and art accomplishment, More novel and unique, vivid image, fantastic mood, full of fun, so as to achieve the poetic artistic realm. Its main task is to cultivate emotion, increase interest, induce appetite, and give diners the enjoyment of beauty, so its modeling requirements are vivid, vivid and novel, so that the theme is distinct, outstanding personality, full of artistic conception and fun. Some works are real life The embodiment of the requirements of lifelike,
高跟鞋令女士们婀娜多姿,魅力倍增,因而50多年来在全世界盛行不衰,但是它对健康的危害却并不那么广为人知。 据德国《星期日图片报》报道,美国医生对妇女脚部的病痛进行了长
白菜是人们冬季饮食中主要的蔬菜之一,营养十分丰富,其维生素C的含量比苹果高5倍,钙的含量比苹果、梨高3倍.成人每日食500克白菜即可满足身体对维生素C的需要 Chinese cabb
克娄巴特拉是历史上闻名的埃及女王, 在她执政的20年生涯中,她曾以貌美著称于世,多少王公贵族倾倒于她的石榴裙下,俯首称臣。克娄巴特拉苗条俊秀,天姿国色,婀娜娉婷的艳后,