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一、错误事实山西省百货公司太原市食品部加工股是接收太原市大北门街私营世兴号杂货店改办的,职工大部是世兴号旧人员,接收后在原有基础上开始的。对食品业应有的卫生设备,未加改善,如加工的醬食、酱豆腐、咸菜、炸油、熬糖、制造水果糖、月饼等,均拥挤在一个不足三百平方公尺的院里,除炸油堆糖制造水果糖在屋内工作外,熬冰糖、熬糃糖、晒酱、做月饼等都在院内架设临时棚(毫无防蝇设备)进行工作,院中还有猪圈、马棚、厕所,极不清洁,猪圈粪尿合成泥浆约半尺深,院内和四邻臭味难闻、蝇蜂之多,不可计数,该街群众反映说:「食品部加工股是苍蝇的大本营」。这些苍蝇在厕所、猪圈,爬来爬去,再飞到糖和月饼等食物上,且院内杂物乱放,到处堆有垃圾、脏物,火炉旁堆满了灰渣,酱缸内有蛆,酱菜缸里漂浮着绿头蝇,糃糖缸里粘满了小黑蝇,酱菜等缸缺乏防蝇及防尘设备、缸盖上积满尘土,酱胚缸被风刮起一层灰土,红糖包上、冰糖的铁筒上,都浇满了绿头蝇和蜜蜂。制造食品的工人,百分之九十以上不剪指甲,积满污垢,在工作时没有工作服,也不戴口罩,工作前和便后,都不进行洗手,堆存糖包的房地上,有一寸厚的浮土,房角堆积的垃圾很久没有扫除。磨粉的工人,既无工作服,又无口罩,粉末都被吸入呼吸器管内,厕所极为窄小,既不加盖,又不撒布石灰,绿头苍蝇,群集满厕。 First, the wrong facts Shanxi Province Department Store Taiyuan Food Processing Unit is to receive Tai Shibei Dashanmen Street private Shixing grocery store to be changed, and most of the staff Shi Xing old staff, after receiving the original basis . Sanitary equipment should not be improved for the food industry. For example, processed sauce, tofu, pickles, fried oil, boiled sugar, fruit sugar and moon cakes are crowded into a courtyard of less than 300 square meters In addition to frying sugar heap sugar to create fruit sugar in the house outside work, boil sugar, boil sugar, sun sauce, moon cake and so are erected in the hospital temporary shelters (no anti-fly equipment) work, there are pens in the hospital, The stalls, latrines, very dirty, pigpen excrete urine muddy about half a foot deep, the hospital and the neighboring neighbors bad smell, as many as flies bees can not be counted, the street masses said: “Ministry of Food processing unit is a fly Base camp ”. These flies crawl around in toilets, pigsty, fly to food such as sugar and moon cakes, and they scatter debris in the yard. There are litter and dirt everywhere, ash is piled up beside the stove, maggots in the saucepan , Pickles floating in the tank with green flies, sugar tank filled with small black flies, pickles and other tanks lack of anti-flies and dust-proof equipment, cylinder head covered with dust, sauce embryo cylinder was blowing a layer of dirt, Brown sugar package, rock sugar on the iron tube, are filled with green flies and bees. More than 90% of the workers who manufacture food do not have nails, dirt, no work clothes at work, no masks, no washing of hands before and after work, An inch thick floating earth, rubbish accumulated in the corner of the house for a long time without cleaning. Milled workers, both working clothes and masks, were inhaled into the respirator tube. The restroom was extremely narrow, with neither cap nor lime, green flies, and crowded toilets.
同志们:我代表大会主席团做总结报告。内容分四个部份: 一、模范教育工作者的特点这次大会,从小组到大组教模同志所发表的模范事迹中。可以看出,凡是一个好的模范教育工作者