Arusha International Conference Centre

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  Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) was established under the public corporation Act No. 17 0f 1969 by the president order through Government notice number 115, published on 25th August 1978.
  The Centre is wholly owned by the Government of Tanzania and operates under the Purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  The Centre operates as a fully-fledged commercial entity without Government subvention. The provision of conference services is the core business. However, AICC also rents offices at the headquarters’ complex and housing units in Arusha Municipality. The Centre also provides health services through its medium sized 32 bed hospital in Arusha Municipality. The vision is to be a model and enabler of Business Tourism. The mission is to promote and provide quality business tourism services to national and international clientele for enhanced national, social and economic development.
  With abundant natural attractions around, the Centre can accommodate 10 to 1,350 delegates, combine business with leisure and get the best of both. Arusha city nestles just beneath Mount Meru the second largest mountain after Mount Kilimanjaro. We boast of beautiful climate, political stability, peace and rich Tanzanian culture.?
On 25 May, with just hours remaining until the doors open on National Manufacturing Week 2015, more than 200 exhibitors, industry experts and business leaders are finalising their contributions to an
近日,国际展览与项目协会发布了Public Events Industry Report,即《2014年美国公众展览会发展报告》(译者按:这里的Public Events主要指对公众开放的,通常需要付入场费的消费类展览会)。该报告对22个行业的消费类展会的业绩进行了分析。  该报告第一版发布于2009年,IAEE公众展览会委员会对22个行业的消费类展会主办方进行了调查,以评估行业的整体发展状况。在
The largest trade show dedicated to the automotive aftermarket industry and high-end technical training has arrived in the United States. Automechanika Chicago, which took place from April 24-26 at Mc
2015年美国芝加哥国际汽车配件及售后展览会AUTOMECHANIKA CHICAGO于4月24-26日在芝加哥迈考密克展览中心盛大开展。该展是针对汽修技师及经销商、修理厂、快修店经营者的专业展览会,受到业内人士的高度关注,本届更是精彩纷呈。  与美国其他汽车零部件行业的展会不同,该展除了为汽车零部件及服务设备制造商提供展示平台外,也有一部分大型经销商、进口商作为展商来展示他们的产品及服务,因而展
海外买家大幅增长  由香港贸易发展局主办的第七届香港国际春季灯饰展 (春季展)于4月9日圆满结束,一连四天(4月6-9日)的展览吸引来自112个国家及地区的19,000名买家入场参观采购,比去年上升5%。其中,来自美国的买家上升5%,而澳洲、法国、德国、西班牙、土耳其、印度、阿联酋及中国大陆的买家取得双位数百分比增长率。展览同时汇聚来自12个国家及地区的1,250家参展商,为历届春季展之冠。  香
瑞士巴塞尔会议中心是瑞士最大的会议中心,坐落在素有瑞士文化之都美誉的巴塞尔市的市中心,紧邻巴塞尔展览公司。巴塞尔地处欧洲心脏地理位置,处于法国、德国和瑞士交汇处,交通极为便捷,离苏黎世国际机场仅1小时车程。  会议中心由一条人行道与Herzog & de Meuron集团新建的展馆连接在一起。会议中心内的设施和科技打造舒适优良的体验。会议中心周边是8,800多间酒店客房,其中1,000间客房可从会
The 7th Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition),?organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC), ended on 9 April with a record of more than 1,250 exhibitors from 12 countr
背景:  变化与革新是各行各业发展的普遍规律之一,出展行业的发展也是如此。在这瞬息万变、信息爆炸的时代,一方面行业竞争仍然激烈;另一方面,人与人之间的关系变得更加复杂,人们获取信息的方式也更加多元。那么,在新的市场格局下,出展企业在招展方式上是否有演变?这些变化对业务的发展带来哪些效益?出展营销的未来如何?本期《特别策划》栏目特邀知名国外主办方中国代表处、海外自办展企业、出展代理机构代表就展会营销
The Congress Center Basel – Switzerland’s biggest congress centre in terms of surface area – is located in the heart of the city, right next to Messe Basel. The Congress Center is linked via a walkway
塔桑尼亚阿鲁沙会议中心是根据塔桑尼亚政府颁布的公众公司法案而建造的,由塔桑尼亚政府所有,由国家外事与国际公司部监管。但是,会议中心是完全商务运作的机构,以承办会议为主营业务。此外,也对外出租办公室与客房,并通过会议中心下属的阿鲁沙市政部的中型医院提供卫生保健服务。  会议中心的愿景是成为当地商务旅游的模范运作者和推动者。通过优质的商旅服务和接待世界各地的用户,促进阿鲁沙当地的社会经济发展。  会议