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趣谈食鳖景人鳖,肉质细腻,腴肥鲜美,许多吃过鳖的人都说它具有鸡肉、鹿肉、牛肉、羊肉和猪肉五种滋味,故美其名曰“五味食品”,而且鳖肉鳖血营养丰富,有多种药用功能。鳖的吃法多种多样。有红烧、清炖、清蒸,也可干焖、活烤、活煨,亦可与其它肉类共同煮炖。食鳖有... Fun on the soft-shelled turtle King of soft-shelled turtle meat, delicious, many eaten turtle people say it has five flavors of chicken, venison, beef, lamb and pork, so the United States said “five flavors of food,” and Turtle meat turtle blood nutrient-rich, there are a variety of medicinal functions. Turtle eat a wide variety. Stewed, stewed, steamed, but also dry stew, live roasted, live simmer, cook together with other meat can also be stewed. Food turtle has ...
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2015年07月22日WS_3-B-1265-92-3-2015鼻渊片Biyuan Pian【处方】苍耳子1344 g辛夷252 g金银花84 g茜草84 g野菊花84 g【制法】以上五味,金银花、野菊花、辛夷加10倍量水,蒸