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为了研究聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)基高固体含量推进剂的力学性能,采用静态力学试验分析了不同黏度PVB、黏度为45 m Pa·s和300 m Pa·s的PVB配合和增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)及乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯(ATBC)对PVB基高固体含量推进剂力学性能的影响。采用动态热机械分析(DMA)研究了不同黏度PVB和两种增塑剂对PVB基推进剂动态力学性能影响。结果表明,随着PVB黏度增加,推进剂高温(50℃)拉伸强度增大,常温(20℃)和高温延伸率降低。黏度为45 m Pa·s与300 m Pa·s的PVB以1∶3的质量比配合做粘合剂可使推进剂拉伸力学性能达到含这两种单一黏度PVB的推进剂的中间值。用ATBC替代DBP,推进剂的低(-40℃)、常温延伸率下降33%。含黏度为45 m Pa·s PVB的PVB基推进剂有较强的α-转变。含增塑剂DBP的推进剂有较强的β-转变。 In order to study the mechanical properties of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) -based high solids propellants, static mechanical tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of PVB with different viscosities of PVB, viscosity of 45 mPa · s and 300 mPa · s Effect of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) on the mechanical properties of PVB based high solids propellants. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was used to investigate the effect of different viscosity PVB and two plasticizers on the dynamic mechanical properties of PVB-based propellants. The results showed that as the viscosity of PVB increased, the tensile strength of high temperature propellant (50 ℃) increased, and the elongation at room temperature (20 ℃) ​​and high temperature decreased. Viscosity of 45 m Pa · s and 300 m Pa · s of PVB in a mass ratio of 1: 3 as a binder can make the tensile mechanical properties of propellants with these two single viscosity PVB propellant median. With ATBC instead of DBP, propellant low (-40 ℃), the room temperature elongation decreased by 33%. PVB-based propellants with a viscosity of 45 mPa · s PVB have strong α-transformation. Propellants with plasticizer DBP have a strong β-conversion.
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