Progress of Helium Recycle System for Superconducting ECR Ion Source

来源 :近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qyxiao3771
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The progress and achievements,achieved in 2016 on research of nuclear electronics,developments of the instruments for the activities of nuclear and particle phy
陈智安,短髭,颀身,粤人,语带本山大叔口音.  大学时代,我与他教室相邻,一日或数日见于廊间,互视不发一语.毕业后以考研"战友"故,气味相近,过从渐密,方知当初自"跩",真是井
High energy proton beam has the long penetration length in solid matter and it could produce the radiographsand indicate the tomography and material properties
In order to make sure that the tumor is irradiated by a uniform and adequate dose and the surrounding tissues are damaged as little as possible,we need to monit