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中师的地理教学必须师范化.而在这几年的教、学实践中,我们认为拓展式的地理教学活动是体现师范化的较好形式.拓展式地理教学活动分为课堂教学、课外活动、撰写小论文三个组成部分.一、课堂教学课堂教学是教学的基本组织形式.师范地理课堂教学,应按照教学大纲和教材,统一的教学计划和要求定期完成教学任务.拓展式教学根据学科特点,在教学结构上包括情境诱导、设题质疑、经纬深化和小结四个环节.1、情景诱导.任何地理事物的形成和发展离不了一定的环境,离不了大自然和人类行为实践之间的各种联系.“情景诱导”就是上课时通过教师引导和学生自学,使学生如见其物,如入其境,从而激发学生求知欲,培养他们自学和发现问题的能力.这一环节关健在于教师要善于提出问题,创设情景. Normal school geography teaching must be normalized. In the past years of teaching, learning practice, we believe that the expansion of geography teaching activities is to reflect the normal form of normalization. Extended geography teaching activities are divided into classroom teaching, extracurricular activities , Writing a small dissertation of the three components. First, the classroom teaching is the basic organizational form of teaching. Teachers of geography classroom teaching, should follow the syllabus and teaching materials, unified teaching plan and requirements to complete regular teaching tasks. Expanding teaching according to disciplines. Characteristics, in the teaching structure, including contextual induction, questioning, questioning, deepening and summary of the latitude and longitude of the four links. 1, situational induction. The formation and development of any geographical thing can not be separated from a certain environment, can not be separated between nature and human behavior practices The various links. “Scene induction ” is through the teacher’s guidance and student self-learning in class, so that students see their things, such as entering their own territory, so as to stimulate students’ thirst for knowledge, to develop their ability to learn and find problems. The key point is that teachers should be good at asking questions and creating scenarios.
We have been slow to profit from thisclose analogy between a biological organismand an electronic system.(上海交通大学科技外语系编《英语》第四册第三页) We hav
Restrictive factors of Chinese generating set equipment manufacturing industry innovation includes technical introduction restraint,system restraint,enterprise
我们都知道吸烟对人体健康有害。我们也知道不加节制地饮酒能致人于死。但是吸烟又饮酒,两者并举,会产生什么样的后果呢?下面是一篇与此有关的惊人的报告……… We all kno
本文介绍一种分程度教学的语言实验室(The split-level language laboratory)及其具体的使用方法。作者认为这种类型的语言实验室特别适用于对不同外语基础的成年人进行专门