Monitoring continuous k-nearest neighbor queries in the hybrid wireless network

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccj66417
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In a mobile/pervasive computing environment,one of the most important goals of monitoring continuous spatial queries is to reduce communication cost for location-updates.Existing work uses many cellular wireless connections,which would easily become the performance bottleneck of the overall system.This paper introduces a novel continuous kNN query monitoring method to reduce communication cost in the hybrid wireless network,where the moving objects in the wireless broadcasting system construct the ad-hoc network.Simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed method,which leverages the wireless broadcasting channel as well as the WiFi link to alleviate the burden on the cellular uplink communication cost. In a mobile / pervasive computing environment, one of the most important goals of monitoring continuous spatial queries is to reduce communication costs for location-updates. Existing work uses many cellular wireless connections, which would not become the performance bottleneck of the overall system.This paper introduces a novel continuous kNN query monitoring method to reduce communication cost in the hybrid wireless network, where the moving objects in the wireless broadcasting system construct the ad-hoc network. Simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed method, which leverages the wireless broadcasting channel as well as the WiFi link to alleviate the burden on the cellular uplink communication cost.
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