Experimental study of boundary layers formation by thin film colorimetric interferometry

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:typxh123
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Thin film colorimetric interferometry was applied to the preliminary study of boundarylayers formation for a several liquids of known molecular structure that have been previously stud-ied by the force balance method. This technique intended for the study of very thin lubrication filmsdown to a few nanometers in a point contact between a steel ball and a transparent disk combinespowerful film thickness mapping capabilities with high accuracy. Central and minimum film thick-ness as well as film shape in the dependence on rolling speed was studied for hexadecane, oc-tamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS) and n-tetradecane. Results are compared with data obtainedfrom surface force apparatus measurements. OMCTS and n-tetradecane were found to formboundary films that result in a considerable enhancement in film thickness at slow speeds. Thin film colorimetric interferometry was applied to the preliminary study of boundarylayers formation for a few liquids of known molecular structure that have been previously stud-ied by the force balance method. This technique intended for the study of very thin lubrication films down to a few nanometers in a point contact between a steel ball and a transparent disk combines powerful film thickness mapping capabilities with high accuracy. Central and minimum film thick-ness as well as film shape in the dependence on rolling speed was studied for hexadecane, oc-tamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS) and n-tetradecane. Results are compared with data obtained from surface force apparatus measurements. OMCTS and n-tetradecane were found to formboundary films that result in a substantial enhancement in film thickness at slow speeds.
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尊敬的潘秋生理事长 尊敬的谢晋康理事长 各位来宾、各位领导、同志们: 今天,我们非常高兴地参加上海市制冷学会成立20周年的庆祝大会。在此,我谨代表上海市科学技术协会,对上海市
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