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今年1~9月份,由陕西省咸阳造纸厂改制组建的咸阳天元纸业集团有限责任公司进一步解放思想、更新观念、大胆改革、强化管理,经过不懈的艰苦努力,在企业连年巨额亏损、债务包袱沉重、原材料涨价、销售市场萎缩的严峻形势下,产量、产值、销售收入均比去年同期增长50%以上,减亏幅度达到56%,实现了大幅度减亏、控亏的奋斗目标,生产经营取得了明显成效。 1.以管理为中心,突出重点,集中精力,狠抓薄弱环节,促进各项工作再上新台阶。 今年以来,该公司通过开展“质量月”活动,制定颁布了《质量手册》和《程序文件》,举办了ISO9000族质量标准培训班,成立了质量攻关小组,加大了质量检查力度。使文化用纸一级品率较去年同期提高了18.2%,工业用纸一级品率保持100%。 2.加快产品结构调整步伐,大力发展第三产业。围绕环保总体要求,天元公司确定了“一业为主、多业并举”,“逐步淘汰自制草浆系统,用商品浆生产高档纸”,“大力发展三产”的总体思路。及时果断地进行了产品结构调整,淘汰了几十年一贯制的单一产品 From January to September of this year, Xianyang Tianyuan Paper Group Co., Ltd., a restructuring of Xianyang Paper Mill in Shaanxi Province, further emancipated the mind, updated ideas, boldly reformed, and strengthened management. After unremitting efforts, the company suffered huge losses and debts in successive years. Under the severe situation of heavy raw materials prices and shrinking sales market, output, output value, and sales revenue all increased by more than 50% from the same period of last year, and the rate of reduction in losses reached 56%, achieving the objective of striving to reduce losses and control losses. Obvious results. 1. Focus on management, highlight key points, focus on energy, pay attention to weak links, and promote various tasks to a new level. Since the beginning of this year, the company has formulated “Quality Month” activities, formulated and promulgated “Quality Manual” and “Program Files”, held a training course on ISO9000 Quality Standards, set up a quality research team, and intensified quality inspection. As a result, the primary product rate of cultural papers has increased 18.2% over the same period of last year, and the primary product rate of industrial papers has remained at 100%. 2. Accelerate the pace of product structure adjustment and vigorously develop the tertiary industry. Focusing on the overall requirements for environmental protection, Tianyuan Company has determined the general idea of ​​“mainly one industry, multiple industries,” “gradually eliminating self-made straw pulp systems, producing high-grade paper with commercial pulp, and vigorously developing tertiary production”. Timely and decisively adjusted the product structure and eliminated a single product that has been consistently implemented for several decades.
Oji纸业公司准备在Shizuoka的Fuji市的Fuji厂投资25O亿日元(合2.36亿美元)订购1台新白纸板机。这台65Ot/d生产能力的白纸板机。计划2001年10月正式投产。 Oji投资的白纸板机
一、维美德又订出1台世界最大的LWC纸机 Cartiere Burgo已经以2.53亿美元从维美德订购了1台新的低定量涂布纸(LWC)机,并作为9~#纸机安装在Verzuolo工厂,预计2001年投产。据
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轧钢学会青年工作委员会将于 2 0 0 0年 9月 1 6~ 2 0日在广州召开 2 0 0 0年青年学术研讨会和轧钢青年工作年会。学术会议的主题为“国内外短流程生产线的现状、发展和相关技