
来源 :水土保持应用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:womjun
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近日水利部印发了《关于开展全国水土保持规划编制工作的通知》,在全国范围内部署开展水土保持规划编制工作。本次规划是新中国成立60多年来首次全面系统开展的水土保持综合性规划,是今后一个时期水土保持工作的发展蓝图和重要依据。主要任务包括:根据区域自然条件、水土流失及其防治特点、社会经济发展需求,制定水土保持区划方案;统筹兼顾整体与局部、开发与保护、近期与远期的关系,充分利用已有的相关规划成果,结合区划方案拟定总体防治目标及分区防治方略;确定分区水土保持工作与生产发展方向,完成区域布局与规划,提出各区水土保持目标和任务;开展水土流失重点预防区、重点治理区的复核与划定工作;分析不同区域水土资源优化配置及防治模式,提出重点项目规划和布局;完成水土保持 Recently, the Ministry of Water Resources has issued the “Circular on Carrying out the Preparation of National Soil and Water Conservation Plans” and has deployed and planned the preparation of soil and water conservation plans across the country. This plan is the first comprehensive and systematic comprehensive plan of soil and water conservation for the People’s Republic of China since its establishment in more than 60 years and is a blueprint and an important basis for soil and water conservation in the coming period. The main tasks include: making plans for soil and water conservation based on the natural conditions of the region, the characteristics of soil and water loss, its prevention and control, and the needs of social and economic development; making overall plans for the relationship between the whole and the part, developing and protecting, the near future and the long term, making full use of the existing relevant Planning results, combined with the zoning plan to draw up the overall prevention and control objectives and zoning strategy; determine the zoning of soil and water conservation and production development direction, the completion of the regional layout and planning, put forward the goals and tasks of soil and water conservation in all districts; carry out key areas for soil erosion prevention and key control areas Review and delineation of work; analysis of optimal allocation of water and soil resources in different regions and prevention and control mode, put forward the planning and layout of key projects; completion of soil and water conservation