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1999年11月15日,中美两国终于就中国加入世贸组织达成了协议,从而扫除了我国“入世”的主要障碍。“入世”必将对中国经济发展产生深远的影响。我国是世界第一人口大国,劳动力过剩尤其是农业劳动力过剩,始终是我国经济发展过程中的一大难题,“入世”会对我国的就业产生什么样的影响呢?现在有人预测,“入世”以后,可以为我国增加1200万个就业机会。这一乐观前景的依据是什么?我们认为,“入世”对我国就业的影响无论从长期还是从短期看,都是积极的,但现在对“入世”能够带来的就业增加量进行精确的预测,为时尚早,因为其中的可变因素非常多;但从理论上对“入世”以后就业形势的发展趋势进行大致的预测还是可以做到的。一、加入“世贸”以后就业前景乐观的理论分析 “入世”对就业的影响是间接的,但这种影响是巨大的。“入世”首先会影响我国的经济运行机制,其次会通过运行机制的变化影响产业结构,最后会通过不同产业发展的消长影响就业规模,影响农业过剩劳动力的转移和 On November 15, 1999, China and the United States finally reached an agreement on China's accession to the WTO, thus removing the major obstacle to China's accession to the WTO. “WTO ” will certainly have a profound impact on China's economic development. China is the world's largest populous country. Excess labor force, especially excess agricultural labor force, has always been a major problem in China's economic development. What impact will it have on China's employment? Now, some people predict that After joining WTO, 12 million jobs will be added to our country. What is the basis of this optimistic outlook? We think that the impact of “WTO entry” on our employment in our country is positive both in the long run and in the short term. However, we are now in a position to increase the amount of employment that “WTO” can bring It is still too early to carry out accurate forecasting because of the many variables in the forecasting process. However, it is still theoretically possible to make a general forecast of the development trend of the employment situation after the WTO accession. I. Theoretical Analysis of Optimistic Employment Outlook after WTO Entry “The impact of WTO entry on employment is indirect, but the impact is enormous. ”WTO " will affect the economic operation mechanism of our country at first, secondly will affect the industrial structure through the change of the operation mechanism, and finally will affect the employment scale through the growth and decline of different industries, affecting the transfer of excess agricultural labor force and
小 猪 老 是 不洗 澡 小 松 鼠 小 白 兔 小 鸟 等 小 动 物 们 都 不 愿 , 、 、与它玩 了 说小猪又 脏又懒 小 猪听了 可不 服气 了 打 算马 上洗 , 。
亲爱的爷爷: 您好,您的 身体怎么样了?天冷了,您不要忘了多穿点衣服。 爷爷,我 可想 您了 。您给 我买 的手表 没电 了,它 就躺 在我的书 桌 里 。 爸 爸 妈 妈 没 时
一、经过 1993年2月13日小夜班后期,炉温回升,工长作减煤、减风温处理,2月14日夜班,第一炉铁前有憋风,23时55分第一次塌料后,压差急剧升高至102kPa,风压升至 First, after