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当潘多拉的盒子飞出黑色疾病,当人们的生活在不经意中发生了变故,自然界的主体——人,本能地组织起来、团结起来、凝聚起来,同共同的敌人非典进行着顽强的抗争,于是、亲情、真情、友情在患难之中不遗余力地显现出来。面对黑色疾病,各级政府立即行动起来,把救人当成第一要务,调集人力、物力、财力,不惜一切代价,千方百计控制疫情,对患者实行及时的救治,这充分体现了党和政府的亲民之情;白衣天使坚定地、勇敢地、忘我地奋战在抗非典第一线,在发扬救死扶伤的人道主义精神过程中,充分 When Pandora’s box flew out of black disease and people’s lives inadvertently changed, people in nature were instinctively organized, united, united and staged to stubbornly fight against the common enemy, SARS. , Family, truth, friendship in the affair spared no effort to show it. Faced with the black disease, all levels of government immediately took actions to save the people as their top priority, mobilized manpower, material resources and financial resources at all costs and tried every possible means to control the outbreak and implement timely treatment and treatment for the patients. This fully demonstrates that the party and the government Friendly people; white angel firmly, courageously, selflessly fighting the first line against SARS, in carrying forward the humanitarian spirit of saving and dying during the full
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