文章千秋事 得失寸心知——《人到中年》导演札记

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电影,是一门综合艺术。无疑,每一部影片都包含着摄制组各个业务部门许许多多同志的创造性的劳动。影片《人到中年》也是一样。可惜,影片的摄制工作刚刚结束,同志们就由于有了新的任务而散去。大家未能就影片中创作方面的得失进行研究、讨论,总结经验教训。这里,我只能从一个导演的角度,在影片完成后,把感受到的问题、创作过程的某些设想和现在的一些想法摆出来,诚恳地期望得到同行、前辈和评论家们的指点。帮助我们总结经验教训,提高我们的认识,以指导我今后的创作实践。 Film, is a comprehensive art. Undoubtedly, every film contains creative labor of many comrades in various business units of the film crew. The same goes for the movie “People to middle age.” Unfortunately, the filming of the film has just ended, and the comrades have just dispersed because of the new tasks. Everyone failed to study, discuss and sum up experiences and lessons about the pros and cons of creation in the film. Here, I can only put forward some ideas and present ideas about the problems I perceive, the creation process and the present feelings after the film is completed from a director's point of view. I sincerely hope that I can get the advice of my colleagues, seniors and critics. Help us to sum up experiences and lessons and improve our understanding to guide my future creative practice.
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