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归纳法,实质就是由具体形象到抽象思维的过程,亦就是直观性与抽象性统一的过程。归纳法在政治课课堂教学中的运用,改变了过去的单一、传统的教学模式,极大地调动了学生学习思想政治课的积极性,提高了课堂教学的质量。首先,政治课教学中归纳法的运用,能够使学生对所学的知识易于理解和牢固掌握。例如在讲授初三政治《了解基本国情》,关于解决人口问题的基本对策及其重要性这一课时,我为学生介绍了一组具体、风趣又有说服力的材料。说的是一位同志的母亲生了8个孩子,她自己生了4个孩子,到了下一代,她的4个孩子结婚后却只生了一个孩子。可以设想,如果按8个孩子的标准来生育,到了她儿子那一代,全家有146口人, In essence, inductive method is the process from concrete image to abstract thinking, which is the process of unification and intuition. The application of induction in the classroom teaching of political classes has changed the single, traditional teaching model in the past, greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of students in learning ideological and political lessons, and improved the quality of classroom teaching. First, the use of inductive methods in the teaching of political classes can enable students to easily understand and firmly grasp the knowledge they have learned. For example, in the course of teaching junior high school politics “Understanding basic national conditions” and the basic countermeasures and importance of solving population problems, I introduced students to a group of specific, interesting, and persuasive materials. It is said that a comrade’s mother had eight children. She had four children and she was the next generation. Her four children got married and only one child was born. It can be imagined that if the child is born according to the standard of 8 children, to the generation of her son, the family has 146 people.
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