
来源 :中国文化产业评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daihongjun2
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前言中共十七届六中全会定下了“文化强国”的发展目标,“加快发展文化产业、推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业”是它的主要决定之一。发展文化产业已成为名副其实的国家战略,大力发展文化产业成为各级政府施政的重要内容。清晰掌握全国及各地文化产业发展现状,探寻我国文化产业发展规律,全面了解我国文化产业发展现存问题,对于执行、评估、监控和调整文化产业政策,促进文化产业实现跨越式发展显得尤为重要。从实践上看,我国文化产业发展在普遍取得规模和速度的双高度增长的同时,也伴随着一些主要的矛盾现象。如:高速扩大的GDP规模与增长缓慢的文化产业从业人员数量并存、多样化的文化消费需求与徘徊不前的文化消费支出并存、文化产业发展特征的地域差异与地方文化产业发展的缺乏特色 Preface The Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has set a development goal of “building a powerful nation” and “speeding up the development of the cultural industry and promoting the cultural industry as the pillar industry of the national economy” is one of its major decisions. The development of cultural industries has become a veritable national strategy and the development of cultural industries has become an important part of the government at all levels of government. Clearly grasping the status quo of the development of the cultural industries in the country and various places, exploring the laws governing the development of China’s cultural industries and fully understanding the existing problems in the development of China’s cultural industries are particularly important for implementing, assessing, monitoring and adjusting cultural industry policies and promoting the leapfrog development of the cultural industries. From a practical point of view, the development of China’s cultural industry is generally accompanied by the double-height growth of scale and speed, accompanied by some major contradictions. Such as: the rapid expansion of the GDP scale and the slow growth of the number of cultural industry employees coexist, diversified cultural consumer demand and lingering cultural consumption expenditure coexist, the regional differences in the characteristics of the development of cultural industries and the lack of development characteristics of local cultural industries
To compare Chinese and western culture of wine,we should start from the origin of wine.In this aspect,the two sides have totally different ideas.Chinese people