Global industry review

来源 :China Rare Earth Information | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yztc_yztc
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<正>Shri Deependra Singh appointed the Chairman and Managing Director of IRELShri Deependra Singh has taken over as Chairman and Managing Director of Indian Rare Earths Ltd.(IREL),a central public sector undertaking under the aegis of Department of A
Rare earth price rose again as sales heating up since November. Suffered the oversold and experienced the recent positive and constant multiple stimulus, rare e
目的评价氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂治疗根管封药后的根尖周炎的疗效.方法在扩管封药后疼痛的根管内置入氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂棉捻,评价其疗效.结果 37例疼痛消失或减轻,有效率达94.9%.结
<正>In the first half of 2015,rare earth market declined after a period of price rising.Rare earth prices faced sever downward pressure currently.It was thought
<正>August 10~20,2015China rare earth market remained stagnant recently.Demand from NdFeB magnetic industry was weak,which led to the constant price falling of
<正>With the six rare earth groups&#39;production restriction and the crackdown on illegal production and smuggling,rare earth market fluctuated slightly during
<正>1.Rare earth price(1)Rare earth price index Rare earth price index dropped slightly from 114.8 points to 113.9 points in September.(2)Yttrium-medium and eur