Exploration of Design Priority Examination

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I. Significance of Right of Priority The doctrine of right of priority, originating from the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and purporting to facilitate application for patents and trademarks in different countries, means that when an applicant files, within a given time limit after filing an application in a member state of the Paris Convention, another application in respect of the same subject matter in another member state, he/it may take the date of filing of the first application as the date of filing of the later application (referred to as the date of priority). The basis on which a foreign right of priority is established lies in that most countries adopt the first-to-file doctrine in patent grant. That is, it is presumed under the law that a person who first files an application is one who first accomplishes the in- I. Significance of Right of Priority The doctrine of right of priority, originating from the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and purporting to facilitate application for patents and trademarks in different countries, means that when an applicant files, within a given time limit after filing an application in a member state of the Paris Convention, another application in respect of the same subject matter in another member state, he / it may take the date of filing of the first application as the date of filing of the later application The basis on which a foreign right of priority is established lies in that most countries countries the the first-to-file doctrine in patent grant. That is, it is presumed under the law that a person who first files an application is one who first conformlishes the in-
英国布里斯托尔大学医学院的马修·霍利教授研究用胚胎细胞治疗耳聋取得了突破,这一技术可使耳聋患者恢复70%的听力。 Professor Matthew Holly of the Bristol University
国家民委委员全体会议9月15日在北京召开,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理回良玉出席会议并讲话。他强调,要认真贯彻落实中央关于加快少数民族和民族地区发展的要求 The p
两个月前,笔者接受了一位在我国 S 省 Q 市工作并具有在华永久居留资格的 J 国籍华人 Z 先生的电话咨询。主要事由及问题如下:依据公安部和外交部2004年8月15日发布的第74号
他的官不大,但他的“财富”却连办案人员都为之咋舌:单独贪污、挪用公款2500多万元,房产9处,奥迪轿车一部。  淮安市是个经济欠发达的农业大市,而45岁的刘连(化名)10年前就坐上了淮安市农业局农业生态环境保护与农村能源处(以下简称能源处)处长宝座,且手握财务审批大权。让周围人想不到的是,他刚当上处长,就开始利用手中的职权大肆贪污、受贿、挪用公款。经检察机关侦查和法院审理认定,其单独贪污、挪用公款
本文提出用概率统计法来确定相配件的非基准件的基本偏差、以延长机器的使用寿命。 This paper proposes to use probability statistics to determine the basic deviation
CAD与工艺设计专家系统(PPES)集成的关键技术是数据的直接传递。基于特征设计的CAD图形系统的数据,可作为PPES的输入信息,从而实现CAD/PPES的集成。 The key technology for integrating CAD and Proce