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一、出口商品生产基地主要情况1984年以来,深圳特区对外贸易(集团)公司(以下简称外贸集团)在抓紧拓展外贸市场的同时,大力加强出口商品生产基地建设,提高自产品出口能力,使出口商品生产基地从无到有、从小到大迅速发展起来。目前外贸集团办起了工业、农业出口商品生产基地共199个企业,其中工业品出口商品生产基地共38个企业,出口产品有羽绒、家私、印刷品、服装、电子、玩具等;鲜活商品出口基地共161个企业,出口鸡、猪、鸭、鸽及水产品等。出口商品生产基地占地面积1786万平方米,职工共有2000多人。1986年与1985年相比。生产基地工业品出口增11倍,鲜活产品出口增13倍,出口品种增45倍,产量增14倍,产值和创汇分别增11倍。在外贸集团兴办的出口商品基地中,美光彩印公司、深 I. Main Situation of Export Commodity Production Bases Since 1984, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Foreign Trade (Group) Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Foreign Trade Group”) has stepped up its efforts to expand its foreign trade market while strengthening the construction of export commodity production bases, improving its export capabilities, and making exports Commodity production bases have developed rapidly from scratch and from small to large. At present, the Foreign Trade Group has established a total of 199 industrial and agricultural export product production bases, of which 38 are industrial products export production bases. The export products include feathers, furniture, prints, clothing, electronics, toys, etc.; The export base has a total of 161 enterprises that export chickens, pigs, ducks, pigeons and aquatic products. The production base of export commodities covers an area of ​​17.86 million square meters and there are more than 2,000 employees. Compared with 1985 in 1986. The export of industrial products at the production base increased by 11 times, the export of fresh products increased by 13 times, the export varieties increased by 45 times, the output increased by 14 times, and the output value and foreign currency exchange increased by 11 times. In the export commodity base established by the foreign trade group, the United States and the color printing company, deep
集全国商品之精华,聚世界各地客商于一地的中国出口商品交易会,已成为举世瞩目的国际贸易盛会,成为我国对外开放的一个重要窗口。中国出口商品交易 The China Export Commo
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Infor成立于2002年,由于看好企业管理软件领域的发展机会,经过一连串令人眩目的闪电般收购,短短几年已经发展成为仅次于SAP和Oracle的全球第三大企业管理软件企业。 Founded
文章分析了军队机关行政消耗性开支的基本特点及当前管理存在的主要问题,阐明了实行限额管理的必要性,提出了实行限额管理的基本思路及应把握的几个问题。 This paper analy