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省委、省政府提出把儋州作为海南西部中等骨干城市来培育的战略决策,不仅为儋州发展提供了百年难逢的机遇,而且对推动形成海口、三亚、儋州三足鼎立的经济社会布局,促进海南西部乃至全省经济社会发展具有重大意义。为此,儋州要以高度的政治责任感和历史使命感,从新的战略高度,着眼新标准,努力增强儋州在琼西发展中的支撑作用。着力扩张经济总量。经济实力是设立中等骨干城市的物质基础。要把工业作为儋州发展的首要任务,在提升现有工业的同时,依托地处西部工业走廊的优势,利用“两院”的科技实力和洋浦 The provincial party committee and the provincial government put forward Pizhou as a strategic backbone of western Hainan Province to nurture the strategic decision not only for the development of Zhuozhou provide a hundred years of opportunity, but also to promote the formation of Haikou, Sanya, Zhuozhou three pillars of the economic and social layout, It is of great significance to promote the economic and social development in western Hainan and even the whole province. To this end, Zhuozhou with a high sense of political responsibility and historic mission, from a new strategic height, focus on the new standards, and strive to enhance Zhuozhou in the development of Jones West support. Efforts to expand the total economy. Economic strength is the material basis for setting up a medium-sized backbone city. We should regard industry as the primary task of Zhuozhou’s development. While upgrading existing industries, relying on the advantages of being located in the western industrial corridor, we should make use of the scientific and technological strength of “the two chambers” and Yangpu
We experimentally investigate the resonant and nonresonant second-harmonic generation in a single cadmium sulfide(Cd S) nanowire. The second-order susceptibilit
The modulation of resonance features in microcavities is important to applications in nanophotonics.Based on the asymmetric whispering-gallery modes(WGMs)in a p
We have demonstrated a high-average-power,high-repetition-rate optical terahertz(THz)source based on difference frequency generation(DFG)in the GaSe crystal by
铝合金压铸件会产生硬质点 ,在机加工时导致刀具损坏及加工件表面产生缺陷 ,多年的实践和摸索 ,分析了常见的 4类硬质点产生的原因 ,并对合金成分的正确控制提出了建议。1 