China’s Role in Africa

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  During a trip to Nigeria last February,Britain’s then Foreign SecretaryJack Straw remarked that whatChina was doing in Africa now wasmuch the same as Britain had done150 years before.
Serbia and Kosovo have been lockedin intensive negotiations since UNSpecial Envoy Martti Ahtisaarireleased a draft report on the settle-ment of the stares of Kosovo.
Each step China takes in overseas ener-gy exploration is difficult—there ishuge resistance. This occurred whenChina National Offshore Oil Corp.
For the first time, Chinese warshipshave taken part in a multinationalnaval exercise hosted by a foreigncountry, which is aimed at improv-in9 the cadacitv to fight maritimeterrorism.
Starring from this year, China’s shareof the UN budget is increased to2.67 percent, or more than $40 mil-lion annually, for the next threeyears, up considerably from theprevious 2.05 percent.
China’s stock market is still a teenag-er, but it’s a healthy one withdreams of becoming more like thegrown-up markets internationally.
It was a surprise indeed when theShanghai Composite Index began toreach record highs in the second half of2006.
One traffic jam after another, annoy-ing horns, endless lines of cars,impatient sighs from passengers onan overcrowded bus, the you-stomped-on-my-toe quarreling inthe subway train, all have led to the
Deepening African Ties  Chinese President Hu Jintao has just embarked on his statevisits to eight African countries that will take him to boththe northern and southern tips of the continent.
Atheoretical series of books entitledWorld Politics—Views From Chinahas recently drawn readers’atten-tion.
What organisms are the oldest animals on tile Earth? Recently. sci-entists seemed to take a big steptoward finding the answer to thatquestion.