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“抹布”是一条狗,一条残疾的小狗。外婆家的小区内有一个车棚,每次回家爸爸的电动车都要在那里存放。有一天,我不经意地看见车棚中窝着一块脏巴巴、黑乎乎如同抹布一般的东西。我走进一看,只见是一条小狗,全身的长毛从白色已变成了灰黑色,拖在地上,唯有那双圆溜溜、炯炯有神又有些畏惧的大眼睛在长毛中活动,洞察着外面的一切。因为它的样子活像一 “Rag ” is a dog, a disabled dog. Grandma’s cell there is a car park, every time my father’s electric car to be stored there. One day, I inadvertently saw a dirty, dark-black cloth in the carport. I walked in, I saw a puppy, the body’s long hair from white has become a gray-black, dragged to the ground, the only pair of round yo, bright and some dread big eyes in hairy Activities, insight into everything outside. Because it looks like one
Cimicifuga simplex Wormsk. (Ranunculaceae) is a perennial herb distributed in eastern and northeastern Asia for which at least three different pollination morph
The germination test is routinely used for evaluating physiological quality of seeds, but it has not been satisfactory, since it requires relatively long period
A field study was scheduled to estimate the impact of intercropping of pearl millet with cowpea on forage yield and quality at Agronomy Research Farm, Universit
An experiment was carried out at the Agroforestry and Environment Research Farm, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh,
Amaryllis plants (Hippeastrum hybrid, in the family Amaryllidaceae) are cultivated in Brazil mainly for bulb export. Studies about the nutrient accumulation dyn
The use of beneficial microorganisms in forage grasses is a potentially advantageous technique for a more sustainable pasture management by decreasing the need
Field experiments (4 in total) were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in southwestern Ontario to compare the sensitivity of dry bean to four Group 15 herbicides applie