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在中国艺术家石齐荣获“法国卢浮宫艺术沙龙展金奖”后,大连万达集团相关负责人郭庆祥、艺术家石齐接受了记者采访。郭庆祥:石齐在卢浮宫的展览,受到了法国业内的一致好评。要让世人知道这些有成就的画家,就应多到世界办展览。这次法国画展,让我感受到中国画家很能理解西方的文化,而中国文化的深奥,却很难让西方人理解。我了解到他们对赵无极的艺术很敬仰,我认为赵无极就是找到了贯通中西的绘画语言。这次法国人看到了石齐的绘画,也让他们找到了了解东方文化 After the Chinese artist Shi Qi won the “Golden Medal at the Louvre Art Salon in France”, Guo Qingxiang, head of Dalian Wanda Group, and Shi Qi, an artist, accepted an interview with reporters. Guo Qingxiang: Shi Qi in the Louvre exhibition, has been well received by the French industry. To let the world know these accomplished painters, we should do more exhibitions in the world. This French art exhibition made me feel that Chinese painters can understand western culture very well. However, the profound Chinese culture can hardly be understood by Westerners. I learned that they admired the art of Zao Wou-ki, and I think that Zao Wou-kii found the language of painting that runs through both China and the West. This time, the French people saw the paintings of Shi Qi and also let them find out about Oriental culture
Though 75 years have elapsed, the aspira-tion and founding mission of the United Nations—world peace and development—must not change.
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The United Nations has had a bumpy ride over the past three quarters of a century. With both advantages and limitations, no one can deny that the UN has evolved