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当今世界,科学越来越成为推动历史进步的革命力量,成为代表一个民族文明水平的重要标志。科学的社会功能,首先在于它对社会生产力、对物质文明建设的巨大推动作用。在社会主义现代化建设中,科学是关键,发展科学事业,很直接地反映了当代经济发展和我国四化建设的要求。当今随着社会化大生产的发展,新学科、新技术层出不穷,自然科学日益迅速地由潜在的生产力转化为直接的生产力。据统计,1770年世界上科学技术造成的生产率与手工生产率的比例是4:1,1840年它们的比例变成108:1。在本世纪初,一些经济发达国家经济增长的各种因素中,科学技术的进步所占比重又为5%至20%,80年代以来已达70%至80%,新兴产业的经济效益更是100%靠科学技术带来的。再从将要到来的新技术革命看,在本世纪末。下世纪初或今后几十年内,已经突破和将要突破的微电子、生物技术、光电子技术、新材料和新能源技术等前沿科学技术广泛运用于生产领域和社会领域,将导致生产力的新飞跃。从我国四化建设来看,唯有靠现代化科学技术,才能解决工业、农业、国防现代化中的许多关键性问题,而这又是与整个科学事业的发展分不开的。所以,社会主义物质文明建设离不开科学。 In today's world, science has increasingly become a revolutionary force that advances historical progress and has become an important symbol of the level of a nation's civilization. The social function of science lies, first and foremost, in its great impetus to the social productive forces and the building of material civilization. In the socialist modernization drive, science is the key to the development of science. It directly reflects the requirements of contemporary economic development and the four modernizations of our country. Nowadays, with the development of socialized mass production, new disciplines and new technologies emerge one after another, and the natural sciences are increasingly being transformed from potential productive forces into immediate productive forces. According to statistics, the ratio of productivity to manual productivity caused by science and technology in the world in 1770 is 4: 1, and in 1840 their proportion is 108: 1. At the beginning of this century, of the various economic growth factors in some economically developed countries, the share of progress in science and technology was again 5% to 20% and 70% to 80% since the 1980s. The economic benefits of emerging industries are even greater 100% rely on science and technology brought. From the forthcoming new technological revolution, at the end of this century. At the beginning of the next century or in the coming decades, cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as microelectronics, biotechnology, optoelectronics, new materials and new energy technologies that have already been exceeded and are going to make breakthroughs will lead to a new leap forward in productivity. Judging from the building of the four modernizations in our country, only by relying on modern science and technology can we solve many key problems in the modernization of industry, agriculture and national defense, which are inseparable from the development of the entire scientific undertaking. Therefore, the construction of socialist material civilization can not be separated from science.
在当下,心理学在各个教育学科中起到了重要的作用。立足于儿童钢琴教育中,教育心理学也发挥着重要作用。针对以上情况,笔者本文主要研究教育心理学在钢琴教育中的作用。 Now
天山乌鲁木齐河源一号冰川为一中纬度山谷冰川,其冰芯中所记录的生物有机酸计有甲酸、乙酸、草酸和丙酮酸,最近 40年其平均含量分别为(102.8± 147.3),(392.3± 390.8),(6.9± 14.8)和(4.2±8.3) ng/g.甲酸/乙酸平均值为 0.34±0.43.这些生物
<正> 1987年莫斯科思想出版社出版的这部论文集研究了加速社会发展的迫切问题。分析了其他有关问题:为提高人的因素在加速科学技术进步中的作用,科学技术革命的社会效益,加强党的思想教育工作,把我国社会推向同一性的社会等。另外,还批判了当代资产阶级的社会政治观念。论文集的成就在于,它的作者们在阐明社会面临的具体实际问题并指明它们的解决办法的同时,既依靠了现代的研究资料,也依靠了原有的理论研究成果。《加速我国社会经济发展战略》一文的作者阿·阿·阿姆伏罗