
来源 :日本研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyunlong
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在战前和战后的日本政治中,掌控政治主导权的是日本官僚和官阀。明治时期确立的日本政治权力构造实际上是以官阀为主轴的财阀、军阀三位一体的国家主义体制。正是在这种制度下,日本发动了对外侵略,最终以战败告终。战后,美国出于冷战战略的需要,使得战前日本的官僚和官僚独裁体制在战后得以继承,这在政治上的意义非常大。战后自民党长期执掌日本政权,而自民党政治就是官僚垄断政治,日本外交则以日美同盟为核心。随着民主党入主内阁的时机不断成熟,小泽一郎和鸠山由纪夫试图带领民主党脱离自明治政府以来就一直持续的官僚独裁政治,并力图转变一直以来追随美国的政策,实现日美对等。最终由鸠山由纪夫实现了政权交替。鸠山内阁面临了很多困难,国际上主要来自美国的压力,国内除了自民党的反扑之外,党内也出现了分歧。菅直人接替内阁首相后,重用政经塾议员,而政经塾议员必然从属于某个财阀、官阀,所以有人说菅内阁不过是政经塾的一个傀儡政权。从菅内阁组阁以来,民主党内阁非但没有改善内外交困的局面,支持率还不断下降,可以说日本目前正面临着巨大的挑战。 In pre-war and post-war Japanese politics, the Japanese bureaucrats and officials controlled the political dominance. The structure of the political power established in Japan during the Meiji period is actually a zaibatsu and a warlord trinity nationalist system. It is in this system that Japan launched its foreign aggression and eventually ended in defeat. After the war, because of the need of the Cold War strategy, the United States made it possible for the bureaucratic and bureaucratic authoritarian system in Japan to be inherited after the war. This is of great political significance. The post-war Liberal Democratic Party has long been in charge of the Japanese government, while the Liberal Democratic Party politics is the monopoly politics of the bureaucrats. Japanese diplomacy takes the Japan-US alliance as the core. With Democrats entering the cabinet at an opportune moment, Ichiro Ozawa and Yukio Hatoyama have been trying to lead the Democrats from the bureaucratic dictatorship that has continued since the Meiji administration and have sought to shift the policy of always following the United States and bringing Japan and the United States together Wait. Eventually Yukio Hatoyama realized the power alternation. Hatoyama cabinet faces many difficulties, mainly from the United States under international pressure, the domestic LDP opposition, there are also differences within the party. Naoto Kan succeeds the cabinet prime minister, the re-use of the members of the government by-cousin, and politicians must be subordinate to a chaebol, official valve, so some people say that the cabinet is only a puppet government power politics. Since the cabinet was formed, the Democratic cabinet has not only failed to improve internal and external conditions but its support rate has been declining. It can be said that Japan is currently facing a huge challenge.
环行道的高速试验是在小半径, 大超高, 大欠超高下进行的, 有着其特殊意义。在线路整正的过程中, 使用了大型养路机械, 并针对大型养路机械的特点, 采用多遍作业以消除轨道几何尺寸