Methodological Framework for a Multi-Scale Study on Hydrological Processes and Soil Erosion in Subtr

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:malsway
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This paper introduces and illustrates the concepts of geoecological process combinations and geographical or landscape dimensions by outlining the methodology of a Sino-German cooperative project in Southeast China and presents the first results of the modelling process for the catchment scale. The project equipped a catchment in subtropical Southeast China from plot scale to catchment scale in order to study the hydrological and soil erosion processes. Distinct spatial differences in principal water and soil material fluxes were quantified. Deep drainage peaks occurred in May, June and July and even in August and November. Measurements in erosion plots as well as sedimentary deposits revealed that there was soil erosion connected with overland flow. Consistent with the results from the regular catenary variations of soil colors, textural stratification and hydrograph analysis, there was also a clear indication of interflow from measured soil moisture data. The experimental set up has the potential to further deepen the understanding of small-scale processes involved in lateral water fluxes and soil erosion. The expected results and interpretations will lead to a further integration of the collected data. In the future, to understand matter transfer in and between landscape ecological units, agricultural influence on nutrient status and flux data will be incorporated. This paper introduces and illustrated the concepts of geoecological process combinations and geographical or landscape dimensions by outlining the methodology of a Sino-German cooperative project in Southeast China and presents the first results of the modeling process for the catchment scale. The project equipped a catchment in subtropical Southeast China from plot scale to catchment scale in order to study the hydrological and soil erosion processes. Distinct spatial differences in principal water and soil material fluxes were quantified. Deep drainage peaks occurred in May, June and July and even in August and November. Measurements in erosion plots as well as sedimentary deposits revealed that there was soil erosion connected with overland flow. Consistent with the results from the regular catenary variations of soil colors, textural stratification and hydrograph analysis, there was also a clear indication of interflow from measured soil moisture data. The experimental set up has the potential to further deepen the understanding of small-scale processes involved in lateral water fluxes and soil erosion. The expected results and interpretations will lead to a further integration of the collected data. In the future, to understand matter transfer in and between landscape ecological units, agricultural influence on nutrient status and flux data will be incorporated.
有那么一位青年人, 最喜欢欣赏外国电影。他羡慕影片里的吃喝玩乐, 他向往影片里的“自由”仙境。但是他呀, 看不到那花天酒地中的浊浪翻滚, 看不到资本主义社会的黑暗腐朽,
一年一度的中国国际电力展 (EPETEE)自2000年创办以来,每年固定在中国上海举办。在不断拓展规模,提炼主题的基础上,经过五年来的发展, EPETEE已成为业界知名的专业品牌展会之
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1 此岸, 亭台楼阁, 绿杨垂柳, 群芳竞秀, 风光委实漪妮。彼岸,山青水秀,曲槛回栏,百卉争妍,佳景更加引人。大凡勇于探索者,绝不满足于一岸风光。必将涉过湍湍急流,到达彼岸,