
来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songtiger2222
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In the research of fractal cities,the fractal dimension is very important.It is used to describe the fractal character of the city.The authors have designed two approaches to calculate the fractal dimension by the box-counting method through an example of Beijing,which are called the vector method and the grid method,respectively.The former calculates the fractal dimension through an intersecting analysis in ArcView;and the latter is carried out by programming in Matlab.They are compared from three aspects:the calculating process,the limits in use,and the results.As a result,the conclusion is made that there are merits and faults on both methods,and they should be chosen to use properly in practical situation. In the research of fractal cities, the fractal dimension is very important. It is used to describe the fractal character of the city. The authors have designed two approaches to calculate the fractal dimension by the box-counting method through an example of Beijing, which are called the vector method and the grid method, respectively.The former calculates the fractal dimension through an intersecting analysis in ArcView; and the latter is carried out by programming in Matlab. the are are compared from three aspects: the calculating process, the limits in use, and the results. As a result, the conclusion is made that there are merits and faults on both methods, and they should be chosen to use properly in practical situation.
“人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。”避免一个人偏离“善”的本性,关键在儿童少年时期激发其辨识真善美、追求真善美、抵制假恶丑的主动性。  2014年9月,我来到现任学校不到两周,学校状况百出。新建教室的安全网被人为地破坏了,走廊玻璃被人用石头砸破了,双休日有人翻越围墙进入学校偷窃、上网……参与破坏活动的主要是六年级四位男学生。这四位学生行为几乎到了失控状态,老师只有通过严厉批评和强制“隔离”才能勉强
常常听到一些教师抱怨:“我每天都抽出时间为某学生辅导功课,可他的学习还是原地踏步,真令人失望。”或者叹息:“我苦口婆心地教育,他却依然我行我素,几乎没有任何改变,真让人无奈。”或者沮丧:“我经常关心和帮助他,他却无动于衷,一点感恩之心都没有,真叫人心寒。”……教师为学生花费了很多的时间与精力,可谓用心良苦,结果品尝的是一种挫败感,这怎能不让教师痛心和抱怨呢?  一天,我在网上看到了这样一则小故事: