
来源 :中国青年政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong554
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5月17日,教育部在京召开高校哲学社会科学第三批“名刊”工程座谈会,《中同青年政治学院学报》等入选“名刊”的高校学报正式与教育部签署名刊工程建设协议书。会上,各高校负责人总结了各自学报创办“名刊”的经验和未来发展的方案。中国青年政治学院常务副院长、党委副书记王新清教授在发言中指出,作为青年院校首份入选的学报,未来应以“弘扬学术精神,突出青年特色”为重点,以聚焦青年问题、关心青年成长为己任,不断扩展青年研究的新领域,深化青年研究内容,加强青少年研究队伍建设,使学报真正起到传承中国优秀青年文化、引导青年健康成长的作用。 On May 17, the Ministry of Education formally held a symposium on the third batch of “Famous Editions” projects of philosophy and social sciences in colleges and universities, and journals of “Journals of Political Science and Politics in China with the Youth League” were formally signed with the Ministry of Education Famous project construction agreement. At the meeting, the heads of various universities summarized the experiences of their own journals and the plan for their future development. In his speech, Professor Wang Xinqing, executive vice president and deputy party secretary of China Youth Political College, pointed out in his speech that as the first selected journal of a young college, the future should focus on the issue of “promoting academic spirit and highlighting the characteristics of youth” in order to focus on youth issues , Concerned about the growth of young people as their own responsibility, constantly expanding new areas of youth research, deepening the content of youth research, strengthening the construction of young researchers and enabling the Journal to truly play the role of inheriting the outstanding Chinese youth culture and guiding the youth to grow up healthily.
朵儿天性浪漫,一直想拥有一段感天地、泣鬼神的爱情。但几场恋爱谈下來,她却被“爱情”伤得体无完肤。在朵儿最迷茫失落的时候,姑妈把祥介绍给了她,可她对他没感觉。那年,朵儿已经29岁了。看着镜中渐趋暗淡的容颜,加之父母的催促,朵儿无奈地答应了这门亲事。  婚后的生活平淡乏味,祥不仅包揽了所有的家务,还事事依从朵儿。谁都羡慕朵儿有福,可是,朵儿不以为然,因为她实在感觉不到幸福,她觉得这不是她想要的生活。 
我科自1990年10月至1991年6月收治支原体肺炎21例,现将诊断治疗情况报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料:男10例、女11例,发病年龄为 My department from October 1990 to June
2015年春节长假过后的一天,午休时,办公室的年轻同事们围坐在一起聊天。因为一大半同事都是外省人,谈论的主题为:春节回家看望父母,大家都带了啥?  去年刚大学毕业的“90后”小王来自甘肃平凉,第一个说道:“我刚参加工作不久,没多少积蓄,就给父母买点土特产尝尝,聊表心意!”  “有这份心就好。”财务部的“80后”小丽老家在安徽淮北,接道,“我爸爱喝酒,我就给他买两瓶好酒;我妈爱臭美,我就给她买一套高
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