
来源 :新课程研究(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingchengyu
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任务驱动教学法有效地将学生从被动学习转变为主动学习,学生通过自主学习能加深记忆,及时让知识达到内化状态,更重要的是掌握新的学习方法。同时,在合作中相互交流、相互协作,各项能力都能得到极大的提高,完成任务后还能激发学习兴趣、体验学习的快乐。 Task-driven pedagogy effectively transforms students from passive learning to active learning. Students can deepen their memory through self-directed learning and promptly internalize knowledge. More importantly, they can master new learning methods. At the same time, mutual cooperation and mutual cooperation, mutual cooperation, all abilities can be greatly improved, after completing the task can also stimulate learning interest and experience the joy of learning.
The effect of hydrogen on the fracture behaviors of Incoloy alloy 825 was investigated by means of slow strain rate testing (SSRT).Hydrogen was introduced into
在新课程中,口语交际教学为少数民族教师提供了一个崭新的天地,我在给少数民族孩子进行口语教学中,作了一些大胆的尝试:  一、整合  口语交际是一种综合素质,它是知情意行的统一体,这就决定了口语交际教学要实现教学目标的优化,必须着眼整体,追求一种综合效应。  二、走向多样,打通教学和生活的隔阂  1.口语交际训练  通过教材中的口语训练,让学生快捷地掌握口语交际的有关  知识,提高相关技能。首先是跟学