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为了检验陆面模式SSiB耦合TOPMODEL模型对流域水量平衡模拟结果的影响,用原始SSiB与TOPMODEL按饱和区和非饱和区两种方案耦合的耦合模型(下称SSiBT)进行长江下游青弋江流域水文的数值试验,通过耦合模型与原始SSiB模式模拟结果的比较,并利用流域实测逐日流量和水量平衡资料,揭示了流域水文模拟结果对SSiB耦合TOPMODEL的响应和原因。结果表明:(1)与原始SSiB的模拟结果相比,SSiBT增加了土壤湿度的模拟结果和各层土壤湿度之间的差异,流域蒸散发增加而总径流减小。(2)原始SSiB不能准确地将径流在地表径流和基流之间分配,对于较小的土壤饱和导水率,原始SSiB产生过多的地表径流和洪峰流量;对于较大的土壤饱和导水率又产生过多的基流和明显偏小的洪峰流量。(3)即使土壤饱和导水率大到不会产生超渗产流,由于饱和区的存在,SSiBT在洪水期间也能产生足够大的地表径流,从而形成洪峰流量。由于考虑了地形引起的土壤湿度空间非均匀形成的饱和区产流,SSiBT改善了雨季逐日流量的模拟结果。 In order to test the effect of the SSMB coupled TOPMODEL model on the simulation results of the basin water balance, the original SSiB and TOPMODEL were used to simulate the hydrology of the Qingyi River basin in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River based on the coupling model (SSiBT) coupled with two schemes of saturated and unsaturated regions Through the numerical simulation of the coupling model and the original SSiB model, daily hydrological data and daily hydrological data were used to reveal the response of the hydrological simulation results to the SSiB coupled TOPMODEL. The results show that: (1) SSiBT increases the simulation results of soil moisture and the difference of soil moisture in each layer compared with that of the original SSiB. The evapotranspiration increases and the total runoff decreases. (2) The original SSiB can not accurately distribute the runoff between the surface runoff and the base flow. For the smaller saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil, the original SSiB produces excessive surface runoff and peak flow. For the larger soil saturated hydraulic conductivity The rate again produces excessive base flow and significantly smaller peak flow. (3) SSiBT can generate sufficient surface runoff during the flood period to form peak flow, even if the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity is so large that it will not produce hyperspeacity. The SSiBT improves the simulation results of the daily rainfall in the rainy season because of the saturated zone runoff caused by the non-uniform formation of the soil moisture caused by the terrain.
2007年以来,在对原有的组团帮扶工作进行深入探索的基础上,成都市龙泉驿区直机关工委提出了“区直机关党组织与农村党支部结对促建”的思路,通过结对促建,让机关党支部 Sinc
宾赫姆(Bingham)峡谷铜矿开采与选矿的发展史在宾赫姆峡谷发现有价矿物的最早记载是在1863年,直到1887年才由依纳斯·沃尔(Enos A.Wall)陆军上校判明这一铜矿床资源的价值,
在相位测量轮廓术 (PMP)中 ,随机相移误差是导致测量误差的重要因素 ,提出一种新的随机相移误差的校正算法 ,在五步相移的基础上不需要求解相位分布 ,通过近似处理可以直接求解相移过程中存在的随机相移误差 ,在保证精度的情况下 ,能大大减少迭代次数和计算量。推导了新算法的计算公式 ,详细说明了随机相移误差的求解过程。计算机模拟和实验证实了新的算法的有效性。与In bokKong的算法相比较 ,新算