感受同根文化 共话两岸发展——第四届海峡论坛·闽南文化节隆重开幕

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汇聚八方民意,两岸共谋福祉。6月16日至22日,第四届海峡论坛在福建省隆重举办。本届海峡论坛继续坚持以“扩大民间交流、加强两岸合作、促进共同发展”为主题,共安排大会活动、界别交流、基层交流、文化交流、经贸交流等5大板块20多项活动,通过厦门主会场和各设区市分会场的形式将各个活动分布在全省各地市。活动期间,泉州市举办第三届海峡两岸闽南文化节、泉州首届创意产业节、第六届闽台对渡文化节、第二届海峡两岸关帝文化节、郑成功收复台湾350周年纪念活动、海峡两岸商会经济论坛、闽台佛教文化交流周和台湾县市推介会活动等8项活动,为此次海峡论坛增光添彩。 Bring together the people of P Plus and cross-Strait the conspiracy of well-being. From June 16 to June 22, the Fourth Channel Forum was held in Fujian Province. The Strait Forum continued to adhere to the theme of “expanding non-governmental exchanges, strengthening cross-Strait cooperation and promoting common development” and arranged a total of more than 20 activities in five major sections including conference activities, sector exchanges, grassroots exchanges, cultural exchanges and economic and trade exchanges , Through the main venue in Xiamen and the sub-district offices in the form of various activities will be distributed throughout the province and city. During the event, Quanzhou hosted the Third Taiwan Strait Festival, the First Creative Industry Festival in Quanzhou, the 6th Cross-Cultural Festival in Fujian and Taiwan, the 2nd Cross-Strait Cultural Festival in Guan Yu, Zheng Chenggong’s 350th Anniversary Celebration of Taiwan, Cross-Strait Chamber of Commerce Economic Forum, Fujian and Taiwan Buddhism cultural exchange week and Taiwan cities and towns promotion activities and other eight activities for the Strait forum to add luster.
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创建文明城市:全民大扫除又要开始了;申遗成功:这地方就要成为旅游热点了;召开物价听证会:这东西马上就要涨价了;出现安全事故:整个行业都要停产整顿了。 Create a civilize
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