江天叠嶂 明代黄克晦长卷珍赏

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手卷是装裱后带轴的横向长幅图画,由天头、隔水、引首、画心、尾子连接而成。历代画家善绘巨幛大幅手卷的不乏其人,如北宋张择端绘制的《清明上河图》,就是一幅经典的古画长卷,500多个各色人物,五六十匹牲畜,还有房屋、桥梁、城楼、船只等,浓缩在宽24.8厘米、长528厘米的画幅上,将北宋都城东京(今河南开封)的市井风情和繁华景象刻画得淋漓尽致,成为中国十大传世名画之一。1514年,明代画家郭诩以其清细柔和的画笔,在长达近1米的绢本手卷上,记录下了湖北竟陵地区的山水劲舞风貌,给后人留下了一件品味无穷的艺术珍宝。68年后的明万历壬午年(1582年),另一位明代著名书画家黄克晦同样在绢本手卷上描绘了另一番风格迥异、意境悠远的山水景致《江天叠嶂图》卷(著录于《中国古代书画图目》十八卷,文物出版社1998年第1版),气势雄阔,堪称我国古代书画史上的又一件极具代表性的长卷佳作。 Hand roll is framed with shaft horizontal long picture, from the sky, water, lead the first, painted heart, tail connected. Ancient painters painted great giant hand scroll no shortage of people, such as the Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Zedian draw “the Qingming Riverside” is a classic scroll of ancient paintings, more than 500 colored characters, fifty or sixty livestock, as well as houses, bridges , Watchtowers and boats, concentrated on a width of 24.8 cm and a length of 528 cm, and portrayed the urban style and flourishing scene of the Northern Song capital city of Tokyo (now Kaifeng, Henan Province) as one of China’s top ten famous paintings. In 1514, the artist Guo Kuo of Ming dynasty, with his delicate and soft paintbrush, recorded the style of the mountains and rivers in the Jingling district of Hubei province on a hand-scroll of nearly 1 meter in length, leaving an aftertaste for the descendants. treasure. 68 years after the Ming Dynasty Wanliwu (1582), another famous Ming Dynasty calligrapher Huang Kehui also painted another on the silk hand scroll volume of different landscapes, artistic conception landscape scenery “Jiang days stacked map” volume (recorded in the “ Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting ”18 volumes, Heritage Press 1998 first edition), magnificent momentum, called China’s ancient calligraphy and painting in the history of another very representative long scroll masterpiece.
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