
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangke8611
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所谓角色游戏的主题,是指儿童在游戏中所反映的社会现象的范围,如“娃娃家”、“商店”、“邮局”等。角色游戏的主题规定了角色游戏中的角色身份与数量、角色的动作、角色之间的相互关系,以及角色活动的环境,它基本限定了角色游戏的框架。在此框架之内,幼儿挖掘到了哪些情节?每一情节的深人程度如何?这些都反映了幼儿的经验状况及语言交流能力、问题解决能力。幼儿对角色游戏主题的深化程度,我们可以从两个方面去了解:首先看在某一主题中,幼儿发展出了多少情节。如“商店”主题可发展的情节有:商品摆放、各种物品买卖、收款、定货、送货等。幼儿发展情节的丰富程度就反映出幼儿的经验状况。其次看各情节的深入程度如何?如在“收款”这一情节中,幼儿有没有介绍商品的价格,不同 The so-called character game theme refers to the range of social phenomena reflected in the game by children, such as “doll house”, “shop”, “post office” and so on. The theme of a character game defines the identity and number of characters in the character game, the character’s actions, the interrelationships between the characters, and the environment in which the character plays the role, which basically defines the framework of the character’s game. Within this framework, what kinds of episodes have been uncovered by young children? What is the depth of each episode? All these reflect the experience of young children and the ability of language communication and problem solving. The extent to which toddlers play a role-playing game can be understood in two ways: First, look at how many toddlers develop in a particular topic. Such as “store” themes can be developed plot: display of goods, all kinds of goods trading, payment, ordering, delivery and so on. The abundance of early childhood development reflects the child’s experience. Second, look at the extent of the depth of the various scenarios? As in the “payment” in this episode, children have not introduced the price of goods, different
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