The influence of higher-order effects on the transmission performances of the ultra-short soliton pu

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johndovl1
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Under the condition of the higher order effects, a propagation equation is established to investigate the way to suppress the soliton self frequency shift and timing jitter in the picosecond and femtosecond soliton communication system using a combined control method of time domain and frequency domain. By the use of the variational approach, the evolution of the chirping Gaussian quasi-soliton pulse is analyzed in the presence of the effects including third order dispersion, intrapulse Raman scattering (IRS), and self steepening. Considering the soliton evolution properties and the mechanism of the timing jitter under the higher-order effects, the combined control method is adopted to eliminate the influence from Raman scattering and self-steepening. The soliton central frequency is stabilized and the timing jitter is suppressed effectively. A 160 Gb/s long-haul soliton transmission system is designed and its performance is numerically simulated. The simulation results are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis. Under the condition of the higher order effects, a propagation equation is established to investigate the way to suppress the soliton self frequency shift and timing jitter in the picosecond and femtosecond soliton communication system using a combined control method of time domain and frequency domain. use of the variational approach, the evolution of the chirping Gaussian quasi-soliton pulse is analyzed in the presence of the effects including third order dispersion, intrapulse Raman scattering (IRS), and self steepening. Considering the soliton evolution properties and the mechanism of the The jitter under the higher-order effects, the combined control method is adopted to eliminate the influence from Raman scattering and self-steepening. The soliton central frequency is stabilized and the jitter is suppressed effectively. A 160 Gb / s long-haul soliton transmission system is designed and its performance is numerically simulated. The simulation results are in good agr eement with our theoretical analysis.
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