Although the amount of sand in the Yangtze River is not high, the total amount of annual sand transportation is still considerable due to the large amount of water. The annual sediment discharge through Gezhouba Dam site is about 500 million tons. At the layout of the hub, attention should be paid to the problem of sand discharge. The design principle of “discharging holes without holes and without holes with no sand” should be put forward. In addition to rely on flood discharge sand, in order to prevent the coarse particles of sediment over the machine to ensure the normal operation of power plants, with sand bottom hole hybrid power plant plastic. Its main purpose is to remove the sand, but also can use the export of high-speed water flow, down the tail water level, the so-called “jet increase” in order to improve the unit’s output. The bottom of the sand discharge hole is located in the lower part of the machine inlet, next to the bypass volute side up tilt, the outlet is located in the power station Bu Bu Department.