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品牌,从字面上理解指一种产品的名称、符号、图案或相互结合,以便区别不同销售者的同类产品。品牌意识是指企业为培养顾客对企业产品的偏好,采取各种方式塑造品牌形象,以增加产品销售的一种认识。无论是国内市场还是国际市场,凡成功企业都有极强的品牌意识,品牌带给顾客的是上乘的质量、优良的服务和超出意外的满足感,而回报给企业的是顾客的忠诚与信赖、稳定丰厚的利润回报。本文通过探讨电力企业实施品牌的可能性与必要性,分析了电力企业实施品牌战略的优势和发展方向,结合电力企业的实际情况,设想电力企业实施品牌战略的问题和应对措施,探求电力企业持续发展并成为优秀企业的道路。WTO让许多品牌意识极强的国外企业纷纷进驻中国市场,在经历无数成败后,中国的企业逐渐重视品牌战略,并取得可喜的成功:联想、海尔、奇瑞、爱国者、娃哈哈等一批民族企业品牌响亮之极。山东鲁能集团宣布成为“中国十大驰名商标”之后,一夜之间品牌离中国的电力企业变得近了,似乎注定要给电力企业带来新的发展空间和机遇。 A brand, literally, means the name, symbol, pattern, or combination of a product that distinguishes the same product from different sellers. Brand awareness refers to the enterprise to cultivate customer preferences for corporate products, take a variety of ways to create a brand image, to increase product sales of a recognition. Regardless of the domestic market or the international market, where successful businesses have a strong sense of the brand, the brand brought to the customer is superior quality, excellent service and beyond the satisfaction of the accident, and return to the enterprise is the customer’s loyalty and trust , Stable and lucrative return on profits. By discussing the possibility and necessity of the implementation of brand in electric power enterprises, this paper analyzes the advantages and development direction of electric power enterprises in implementing brand strategy. Considering the actual conditions of electric power enterprises, it is envisaged that the problems and countermeasures of electric power enterprises in implementing brand strategy should be explored. Develop and become a good business path. WTO has enabled many foreign companies with strong brand awareness to enter the Chinese market one after another. After numerous successes and failures, Chinese enterprises have gradually attached great importance to brand strategy and achieved gratifying success: a batch of national enterprises like Lenovo, Haier, Chery, Patriot and Wahaha Very loud brand. After Shandong Luneng Group announced its becoming the “Top 10 Famous Trademark in China,” overnight the brand power companies in China became closer to each other. It seems doomed to bring new space and opportunities for power companies.
综述 碳碳复合材料的界面层···……于翘(2) 国外航空航天新材料的最新进展和发 展趋向··················……韩鸿硕(4) 先进战略导弹用材料的现状和发
山东省潍坊市近来发生了一件让人难以理解的事。在该市一所民办学校的家长会上.有学校领导因不满学生家长对学校办学过程存在的种种疑惑提出责问,竟然在会上当众斥骂学生家长.并推搡谩骂班主任老师。此事发生后,三名被骂家长的子女被校方开除。这一事件在社会上引起了强烈反响。    不具资格两次申请被退回    接到消息后,记者来到这所学校所属的潍坊市高新区文教局了解情况。当问及这所名为潍坊新东方双语学校的民办学
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