
来源 :考试·高考英语版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilee818
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   Q: The carved puppets have precisely caught the roles mien and internal quality, which were represented through the face expressions. We have wondered, since the decades of devotion to the art, what did you get the most from the puppet carving?
   A: The delicate, vivid puppets are important to a puppet show. The puppets, performing their roles usually on a simple built stage, bring the audience laughter and joyful moments. This is what I am eager to see, and is the greatest spiritual support in my life.
   Here, I would like to tell a true story. In 1995, my three puppets — a child, an old man and a painted face male — were nominated for the first Childrens Works Exhibition of Crafts and SciTech(少年儿童科学技术和工艺品作品展览会)in Beijing and finally won the National Grand Prize.(全国特等奖)For this, the Central News Studio(中央新闻制片厂)made a documentary film about me.(《少年雕刻家徐竹初》)Xu Xiangqian and Xu Teli have visited to show their encouragement. I asked would they help to express my respect to the Chairman Mao and deliver two puppets as presents. They guaranteed and about just a month later, I received a response: Dear Xu Zhuchu, the pair of puppets you give to Chairman Mao had been successfully delivered. Chairman Mao was pleasant to have them. Wish you to work hard on your study and make contribution to the construction of our nation… I have perfectly preserved this letter all these years.
   Q: All the memories have inspired you in the carving creation.
   A: The puppet art has given me so much and enriched my daily life. I hope it could be well passed along. The Xu family has engaged in the art for six generations, now my son carried on the family tradition. I wish more people could join us in the carving industry, but we confronted many obstacles: we had once started up a class on our expense teaching puppet carving in Zhangzhou, unfortunately, not a single one was willing to take the class; my son, had also made the same effort in China Puppet Art Theatre and places alike, attracting only a few ones who were already in this practice.
   Besides, we are always seeking for ways to break through in the development of traditional arts, say, trying to spread it among students in schools, etc. And we explored the possibilities of industrialize it, one of the big moves is the establishment of the great Zhuchu Puppet Gallery of Zhangzhou.
   Q: How is it going?
   A: Zhuchu Puppet Gallery of Zhangzhou will be open to the public around October 1, 2011. The 9stored and nearly ten thousand square metres building is a centre of puppet presentation, carving, performance and sale. We got the land use approval in 1997 when I was 59 and it is till 2011 when I am 73 to see it complete.
   I believe there will be increasingly more people like the unique art of our nation.
   徐竹初,国家一级美术师,木偶雕刻家, 2005年被中国艺术研究院聘为“民间艺术创作研究员”。十岁起随父学艺,继承发展创作了木偶造型六百多种,被中国文化部授予“中华一绝”称号。作品先后在中国美术馆及世界许多国家巡回专展并获奖,并被美国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、匈牙利等国家及香港等地的艺术博物馆收藏。他曾为三十多部木偶艺术电影片和电视剧设计并制作木偶,出版有《徐竹初木偶雕刻艺术》等专著画册。
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