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本试验于1963、1964年在江西、临川本所进行,试验田土壤为冲积性水稻土,质地粘重,土壤肥沃,试验结果证明:一、稻田植棉用牛栏粪作基肥具有肯定的增产效果。但基肥增产效果大小与追肥技术密切相关,以“轻施苗肥、稳施蕾肥,重施花肥”,增产效果最明显。二、苗期追施适当速效氮肥,对增强棉苗对低温阴雨等不良环境的抵抗力,促进棉苗早发,保证全苗,培育壮苗具有十分重要的意义。蕾期重施氮肥处理,造成棉株营养器官徒长,导致棉株中、下部蕾铃严重脱落,严重减产,故在蕾期应控制氮肥的施用。花期重施氮肥处理,可使营养器官与生殖器官生长协调,棉株中、下部成铃多、铃期缩短、单铃重,产量高。三、1963年除基肥组重施苗、花肥处理与重施花肥处理,较不施肥对照增产外(增产率分别为3.7%与15%),其它处理均较对照减产。1964年所有施氮处理均较对照增产,以蕾无花重处理增产最多,蕾轻花重处理次之,花轻蕾重处理第三,花无蕾重处理最少(增产率分别为:25.2%、21.5%,7.99%、4.1%)。 The experiment was carried out in 1963 and 1964 in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. The soil in the experimental field was alluvial paddy soil. The texture was heavy and the soil was fertile. The test results showed that: (1) . However, basal fertilizer yield effect size and top dressing technology is closely related to “light Shi Miao, Shi Shi Lei Fei, re-fertilization”, the most obvious yield increase. Second, the appropriate topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage, to enhance the resistance of cotton seedlings to adverse environmental conditions such as low temperature and rainy weather, cotton seedlings to promote early hair to ensure the whole seedlings, nurturing strong seedlings is of great significance. In the budding stage, nitrogen fertilizer was applied again, which caused the nutrition organs in cotton plant to grow so long that the buds in the middle and lower parts of cotton plants fell off severely and severely. Therefore, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled in the budding stage. Flowering nitrogen fertilizer treatment, can make the growth of vegetative organs and reproductive organs coordination, cotton bolls in the middle and lower, shortened bell, boll weight, high yield. In 1963, except for the basal fertilizer group, the treatments of re-seedling, flower treatment and re-fertilization were compared with those without fertilization (the yield was 3.7% and 15% respectively), and the other treatments were more than the control. In 1964, all the nitrogen application treatments increased compared with the control, with the buds without flowers weight increasing, the flowers with less bud weightings followed the flowers with the light buds weighting third, and the flowers without buds weight being the least (the yield increasing rates were 25.2% , 21.5%, 7.99%, 4.1%).
本文从文氏电桥基本原理出发引出起振条件,用实验方法验证基本定理,从实验课教学出发引入电路参数的测量及基本指标测量。 Starting from the basic principle of the Wien
编辑同志: 讀过《安徽农业科学》1964年第4期汪庭祿同志写的《論受精条件对烟草当代結实性及蒴果一些数量性状的影响》一文,对于文中談的几个論点和內容,有不同的看法,特提