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洛杉矶位于南加州,城市人口360多万(1994年的人口统计),是美国的第二大城市。这里气候宜人,又有世界著名的好莱坞,名列世界著名城市也不足为怪了。 但奇怪的是,世界很多大城市都是沿河而建成的,而洛杉矶似乎没有河流——其实,这里有条和城市同名的河流。问题是,连很多洛杉矶人都不知道自己的城市里有条河。原因很简单,由于修建高速公路,洛杉矶河被无数的高速公路引桥掩盖住了。60多年来,本应与洛杉矶城齐名的洛杉矶河孤独地在茂密的水泥森林下流淌着。难怪,洛杉矶的几位建筑师非常难过的说,很多大城市都有优美的大河大江,而我们的河流却是条水泥伤疤。 历史上,正是因为洛杉矶河的水道,人们才开始于1781年在这里安营扎寨。但遗憾的是,这条水道受到的待遇之恶劣,在整个美国也很难找出第二个来。洛杉矶河曾是当地居民的水源,后来逐渐被沦为污水排放地、垃圾倾倒场、砾石场等。洛杉杨气候很奇特,夏季比较干燥,冬季多降雨,有时会造成河水泛滥。随着洛杉矶城市的发展,人们开 Located in Southern California, Los Angeles has a population of over 3.6 million (1994 census) and is the second largest city in the United States. Here’s a pleasant climate, there are world-famous Hollywood, the world famous city is not surprising. But strangely enough, many of the world’s largest cities are built along the river, and Los Angeles does not seem to have rivers - in fact, there are rivers with the same name as the city. The problem is that even many Los Angelesans do not know that there is a river in their own city. The reason is very simple, due to the construction of the highway, the Los Angeles River is covered by the innumerable highway approach bridge. For more than 60 years, the Los Angeles River, supposedly synonymous with Los Angeles, flows lonely under a dense concrete forest. No wonder, several architects in Los Angeles are very sad to say that many big cities have beautiful rivers, and our rivers are cement scars. Historically, it was because of the waterways of the Los Angeles River that people began camping here in 1781. Unfortunately, however, the treatment of this waterway is so harsh that it is hard to find a second one in the entire United States. Los Angeles River was a source of water for local residents, and later gradually reduced to sewage, garbage dumps, gravel and so on. Losangeles climate is very strange, the summer is relatively dry, more rainfall in winter, and sometimes lead to flooding. With the development of Los Angeles city, people drive
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