Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on MMSE Short Time Spectral Amplitude in Whispered Speech

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ansunyou
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An improved method based on minimum mean square error-short time spectral amplitude(MMSE-STSA) is proposed to cancel background noise in whispered speech.Using the acoustic character of whispered speech,the algorithm can track the change of non-stationary background noise effectively.Compared with original MMSE-STSA algorithm and method in selectable mode Vo-coder(SMV),the improved algorithm can further suppress the residual noise for low signal-to-noise radio(SNR) and avoid the excessive suppression.Simulations show that under the non-stationary noisy environment,the proposed algorithm can not only get a better performance in enhancement,but also reduce the speech distortion. An improved method based on minimum mean square error-short time spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) is proposed to cancel background noise in whispered speech. Using the acoustic character of whispered speech, the algorithm can track the change of non-stationary background noise effectively. .Compared with original MMSE-STSA algorithm and method in selectable mode Vo-coder (SMV), the improved algorithm can further suppress the residual noise for low signal-to-noise radio (SNR) and avoid the excessive suppression. Simulations show that under the non-stationary noisy environment, the proposed algorithm can not only get a better performance in enhancement, but also reduce the speech distortion.
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