Secondary school students are now carrying out heavy study tasks, and their daily study time is longer than adult working hours. Parents concerned about the growth of children can not but care about the entertainment and rest of young people. Speaking of rest, parents agree. When it comes to entertainment, playing chess, playing golf, fishing, swimming, reading extracurricular readings, etc., many parents disagree. They would say: “Hard work, play no good, if the time spent on entertainment is also used in learning, not to achieve better results? Or rest, supportive spirit, why in those unprofitable Activities spend precious energy! ”A word, rest can, entertainment not. A very unscientific bias. When people work and study, they always have to be attentive, both physically and mentally. To be learned, work a certain period of time, with the energy and physical exertion, will inevitably feel tired, you need to take a break, let the body and mind relax, in order and energy regeneration and savings. However, simply stopping learning and working does not necessarily result in physical or mental relaxation. If the child put the pen down, people also left the desk, but the brain is still trying to make