执行难:难在怎一个“乱”字了得 论执行工作的监督与制约

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编者按:2002年9月27日,最高人民法院发布了《人民法院执行工作纪律处分办法(试行)》。据悉,这是国家最高审判机关为了保障执行工作的公正与效率,促进人民法院的廉政建设而推出的一个重大举措。这份在只有三十多个条文但通篇都是“不得”、“违反”、“处分”的禁止性条款的规范性文件出台后,立即受到律师界特别是执行案件当事人的普遍好评,同时也在相当部分的执行人员中产生了巨大的震动,加之目前全国各级人民法院正在按照最高人民法院的统一部署对执行人员开展为期三个月的“教育整顿”活动,普遍认为恐怕这次是要动“真格”的了。但也有一些执行人员对此竟不以为然。如此反差,借用几十年前毛泽东主席在《湖南农民运动考察报告》中的名言,无非就是“好得很”和“糟得很”的评价。为此,编辑部与本刊的老朋友、现在身居“四川省高级人民法院执行局局长”要职的罗书平法官取得联系,希望他能就此谈点感想。也许,罗局长可能出于职业和身份的习惯,没有马上表态,而是将他一年前在新疆参加最高人民法院组织的“全国法院执行理论研讨会”上的论文传真给我们“以供参阅”。当我们一口气读完这篇洋洋万言的论文之后,立即找到了“感觉”:这不正是我们所需要的文章吗!(标题均为编者所加) Editor’s note: On September 27, 2002, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated the “Measures for Disciplinary Actions of the People’s Courts on the Implementation of Work (Trial)”. It is learned that this is a major move launched by the supreme judicial authority of the country in order to guarantee the fairness and efficiency of the implementation work and promote the building of a clean government at the people’s court. The publication of a normative document containing only more than thirty articles but with the prohibitions of “no”, “no” or “punishments” was immediately applauded by the lawyers, especially the enforcement parties, and at the same time But also a considerable part of the executive staff have tremendous shock, combined with the current people’s courts at all levels are in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Supreme People’s Court on the implementation of the three-month implementation of the “education rectification” activities, I am afraid this is generally believed that this is To move “real” of the. However, some executives did not agree with this. In contrast, the quotation made by Chairman Mao Zedong in his “Report of the Investigation of Hunan Peasant Movement” several decades ago is nothing more than an assessment of “very good” and “very bad.” Therefore, the editorial department contacted Luo Shu-ping, an old friend of this magazine and now in charge of the executive director of the Higher People’s Court of Sichuan Province, and hopes he can talk about his feelings. Probably, notwithstanding his professional and personal identity, he may not immediately stand on his position. Instead, he sent us an essay entitled “National Seminar on the Implementation of Courts of Law” organized by the Supreme People’s Court a year ago in Xinjiang for reference “. When we read this eloquent essay in one breath, we immediately found ”Feeling": Is this not the article we need! (The titles are added by the editors)
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