
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cupcome
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1995年5月23日14时许,江西省吉安地区工商银行证券交易部发生一起本区首例出现的智能型犯罪的特大诈骗案件。一自称“刘娇莲”的股民办理委托炒股“四川广华”400股的股票,经吉安交易部报单到设在长沙的交易部的股票席位后,在上海成交竟变成了“中华企业”4000股的股票。第2天,股票在南昌市抛出,5月25日、26日两天被股民取走现款11.88余万元,使地区工商银行证券交易部造成巨大的经济损失。事件发生后,该行立即组织人员以透支进行查找,但没有任何结果。在这种情况下,地区工商银行于6月1日向吉安市公安局报案。市公安局领导在听取银行方面的案情介绍和刑侦人员的初步调查情况后认为:这是一起智能型犯罪的特大诈骗案件。专案组立即开展了全面的案情调查和分析:1.在正常情况下交易部报单本应留有现场录音,然而没有了录音记录。2.持“刘娇莲”身份证的股民并非刘娇莲本人,且是在长沙办理的“刘娇莲”股民证。3.资金存款委托炒股电脑打单均无差错,而报单员在向长沙报单时却故意谎报股票种类及股数(股民是进不了机房的),且一连串迹象表明,此案属内外勾结,多人合伙,有专业技能、有预谋的智能犯罪。专案组迅速确定以外查“刘娇 At about 14 am on May 23, 1995, a major fraud case involving intelligent crime occurred in the district for the first time in the securities trading department of ICBC in Ji’an District of Jiangxi Province. A self-proclaimed ”Liu Jiao Lin “ shareholders entrusted the stocks ”Sichuan Guanghua “ 400 shares of the stock, by the Ji’an Transaction Department to Changsha, the trading department of the stock seats, the transaction in Shanghai actually became ”China Enterprise “ 4000 shares of the stock. On the second day, the shares were thrown in Nanchang. On May 25 and 26, the shareholders took away over RMB11.88 million of cash in two days, causing huge economic losses to the securities and trading department of ICBC. After the incident, the bank immediately organized personnel to check overdraft, but no results. In this case, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China filed a case report with Ji’an Public Security Bureau on June 1. City Public Security Bureau leaders listen to the bank’s case introduction and criminal investigation of the preliminary investigation of the situation that: This is a big crime with intelligent fraud cases. The task force immediately conducted a comprehensive case investigation and analysis: 1. Under normal circumstances, the transaction department should leave the scene recording, but no audio records. 2. Holding ”Liu Jiao Lin “ ID card investors are not Liu Jiao Lian himself, and is handled in Changsha ”Liu Jiao Lin “ stock certificate. 3. Funds entrusted to buy stocks of computer funds were single error-free, and the clerk in the newspaper to Changsha, when they intentionally false stock type and number of stocks (investors are unable to enter the engine room), and a series of signs that the case is inside and outside the collusion, and more People partner, have professional skills, premeditated intelligent crime. Task force quickly identified outside ”Liu Jiao
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