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李××,女,46岁,住院号7117,宜昌市某厂工人。自述从1993年10月30日患病,多饮多尿一年多,伴消瘦。近一月来尿失禁,尿潴留交替发生。尿频每日无数次,无法控制。尿潴留时要用药才能解出小便,伴腰酸及下肢乏力麻木。一年前发生过三多,以及尿失控,4至5天后又出现尿潴留,解不出尿,口干渴。多饮又多尿,逐渐加重不能控制。体弱消瘦,双下 Lee × ×, female, 46 years old, hospital number 7117, a factory workers in Yichang City. Readme From October 30, 1993 sick, drink more urine more than a year, with weight loss. Urinary incontinence and urinary retention occurred alternately in January. Frequent urination many times a day, can not control. Urinary retention medication to solve the urine, with backache and lower limb weakness and numbness. A year ago had more than three, and urine out of control, 4 to 5 days after urinary retention, no urine, thirst. Drink more and more urine, gradually increased can not control. Frail, double down
examines, the principles of international law adopted by the People’s Republic of China affecting criminal jurisdiction: the principle of territoriality (incl
UV-Vis spectrum and the third-order nonlinear optical properties of the chiral camphor-derived β-diketonate have been studied at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. The re
鳗油精属Omega-3脂肪酸类制剂,它是以活鳗鱼为原料,采用现代先进科学技术精炼而成的纯天然药品,富有人体自身不能合成的必需脂肪酸二十碳五烯酸(Eicos-apentaenois Acid,EPA
介绍了水利工程招投标的现状和问题;强化水利工程招投标监督工作的对策。 Introduced the current situation and problems of bidding and tendering of water conservancy
阐述了军事工程技术院校图书馆宣传警示标语的分类,并结合主题创意的设计实例进行了举证. It expounds the classification of propaganda warning slogans in the library
先证者 男,2.5岁,因双下肢畸形就诊。第一胎第一产,足月顺产,出生体重2.5kg。发育稍迟缓,10月会坐并萌牙,12月扶物站立时发现双下肢弯曲变形,18月会走,2岁时会说简单句子。