
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxxmcu1
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目的探讨三种抗生素治疗家兔实验感染鼠疫的疗效。方法 16只感染鼠疫病症的大耳白兔,随机分为实验一组、实验二组、实验三组和对照组。每组4只。实验一组鼠疫感染白兔利用链霉素予以实际治疗,实验二组鼠疫感染白兔利用环丙沙星予以实际治疗,实验三组鼠疫感染白兔则通过西孢克拉瑞以实际治疗,对照组鼠疫感染白兔则不进行任何抗生素方面实际治疗。对比四组白兔实际治愈率、死亡白兔的死亡时间和相应的检菌部位及白兔血液实际白细胞状况。结果实验一组和实验二组全部存活,治愈率均为100%。实验三组存活1只,治愈率为25%;对照组全部死亡,治愈率为0%。四组治愈效果对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组4只白兔于实验2d后死亡,检菌部位集中在骨髓以及腺体和相应的脾、肝区域。三组实验兔子白细胞总数均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论对于鼠疫该种病症可以使用抗生素环丙沙星以及链霉素,如果出现链霉素方面抗菌株则可使用环丙沙星。但相较于链霉素优先推荐环丙沙星。 Objective To investigate the curative effect of three kinds of antibiotics on experimentally infected rabbits. Methods Sixteen rabbits infected with plague were randomly divided into experimental group, experimental group, experimental group and control group. 4 in each group Experimental group of white rabbits plague infected with streptomycin to be the actual treatment, the experimental group two plague infected white rabbits with ciprofloxacin to be the actual treatment, the experimental group of three plague infected white rabbits through the actual treatment of Celecoxib, the control group Plague-infected rabbits are not treated practically with any antibiotics. Comparing the actual cure rate of four groups of rabbits, the death time of the dead rabbits and the corresponding white blood cells in the area of ​​the bacteriostasis and the white rabbits. Results All the experimental group and experimental group two survived, the cure rate was 100%. One group survived three experiments, the cure rate was 25%; all the deaths in the control group, the cure rate was 0%. There was significant difference between the four groups in cure effect (P <0.05). Four rabbits in the control group died after 2 days of experiment. The bacterial colonies were concentrated in the bone marrow, the glands and the corresponding spleen and liver. The total number of white blood cells in experimental rabbits in three groups was higher than that in control group (P <0.05). Conclusion The antibiotic ciprofloxacin and streptomycin can be used for this condition of the plague, and ciprofloxacin can be used if streptomycin is used as an antibacterial strain. However, ciprofloxacin is the preferred over streptomycin.
<正> 《西藏艺术研究》八八年第三期上毛继增先生所发表的《扎年,火不思异同考——与边多同志商榷》的文章(以下简称“扎”文)。拜读之后感受不浅,不能不给予答复。我本着探
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