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自1991年巴蒂斯图塔来到意大利开始,在观众席上很快就出现了一个个醒目的大横幅,上面赫然写着“射手——巴蒂”。的确,在球场上巴蒂斯图塔作为一名主将那卓越的射门爆发力和钢铁气概无人能及。在本赛季,这位被人喻为“隐匿了翅膀的天使”的外籍选手几乎创造了佛罗伦萨的纪录,但最终这位天使却没能走入天堂。——我想先问你几个关于阿根廷代表队的问题,在法国的世界杯比赛后,由比埃萨代替帕萨雷拉任球队的教练,听说他曾经是你所在俱乐部队的主教练?巴蒂:是的,当时他总是说我体重超重,所以我觉得他这个人有些爱唠叨。但他有非常杰出的成就,并且具备了作为一个教练所必须具备的条件,我个人对他是极其尊重的。——听比埃萨教练说在3月31日进行的阿根廷队对荷兰队一战是以欧洲选手为中心展开的?巴蒂:这实际上是强调这场比赛汇集了许多在欧洲赛场上较为活跃的选手,但相比之下来自阿根廷的队员并不十分多。因为从前阿根廷队从未刻意做过这样的尝试。——你现在会考虑下一次世界杯赛的事情吗?巴蒂:在上一次的法兰西世界杯赛中,由于与佛罗伦萨队间所签的契约问题一直萦绕心头,所以在比赛中有时注意力未能全部集中,因而留下了许多遗憾。作为一名职业足球选手,当然也会有很多的烦恼,这些仅凭射门得分是解决不了的,我希望在 Battistuta came to Italy in 1991, and soon appeared in the audience a big eye-catching banner, above, said “Sagittarius - Batty.” Indeed, on the court Batistuta as a master of that outstanding shot power and steel almost no one can. This season, the foreign player who has been described as “angel with wings hidden” has almost created Florence’s record, but in the end the angel failed to go to heaven. - I would like to ask you a few questions about the Argentine delegation. After the French World Cup match, Péseira replaced Pisarela as the coach of the team and I heard that he was the coach of your club? Buddy: Yes, he always said I was overweight, so I think he is a bit nagging. But he has very outstanding achievements, and has the necessary conditions as a coach, I personally respect him with great respect. - Listen to Bishop of Essaou explained that Argentina started World War I with European players on March 31? Bardi: This actually emphasizes that this game brings together a lot of games in Europe Active players, but compared to the players from Argentina is not very much. Because the Argentine team has never done such a deliberate attempt. - You will now consider the next World Cup things Batty: At the last World Cup in France, due to the contract with the Florence team has been haunting, so sometimes the game failed to all Concentration, thus leaving a lot of regret. As a professional football player, of course, there will be a lot of trouble, these can not solve the shooting score alone, I hope
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