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现代科技飞速发展,我们可以从身边诸多工业产品中发现新材料被运用到各种产品上,科技对绘画的影响日趋明显。媒介不再局限于单纯的颜料,自1908年从毕加索把实物材料引入绘画,综合材料这一表现方式便开始打破传统媒介的束缚,许多材料被用在绘画作品上。每一种不同的材料都会为绘画带来新的技法、新的表现力和独特的艺术效果,更极大的丰富了艺术语言。近百年来出现了许多使用材料的艺术大师,他们理解材料的特点,运用不同的媒介材料形成自身独特的艺术语言。珠光颜料作为一种新型的工业用颜料早已融入人们的日常生活,然而我们所见大多只是经过喷涂或浸涂(将素材浸入涂料中后快速提起的一种涂装方法)处理过的光洁均匀的成品,对处于涂料状态的效应涂料知之甚少。“站在理解材料的立场上,带着材料的概念去思考表现方法,使技法既体现材料的美感,又能表现出思想情感和艺术追求。”1本文介绍珠光涂料的物理性质及使用方法的同时,更将其作为一种新媒介为画面语言和风格提供强有力的物质基础。 With the rapid development of modern science and technology, we can find that new materials have been applied to various products from many industrial products around us. The influence of science and technology on painting has become increasingly apparent. The media is no longer limited to mere paint. Since Picasso introduced physical materials into painting in 1908, the manifestation of composite materials has begun to break the shackles of traditional media and many materials are used in paintings. Every different kind of material brings new techniques, new expressiveness and unique artistic effects to the painting, greatly enriching the artistic language. In the past century, many art masters who use materials have emerged. They understand the characteristics of materials and use different media materials to form their own unique artistic language. Pearlescent pigments have long been incorporated into people’s daily life as a new type of industrial pigment. However, most of what we see is just smooth and uniform treated by spraying or dipping (a quick coating method after the material is immersed in the coating) Finished products, know little about the effect of paint in the coating state. “From the standpoint of understanding the material, with the concept of material to reflect on the performance of methods, so that the technique reflects not only the beauty of the material, but also show the ideological and artistic pursuit. ” 1 This article describes the physical properties of pearl coating and use Method at the same time, but also as a new medium for the screen language and style to provide a strong material basis.
用10 keV、剂量为2.6×1013N+/cm2~8.0×1014N+/cm2的氮离子注入产麦角甾醇酵母,可产生可遗传的变异.离子注入产麦角甾醇酵母的存活率与注入剂量呈负相关,在存活率为25%~45%,即