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现实生活中,一张有黑点的白纸展现在我们面前,引起我们注意的往往是黑点而不是白纸。这或许是我们的本能使然,也许是习惯作祟,但不管是本能还是习惯,最终反映出的是一种长期以来形式的思维定势,并且在一定的范围内似乎它也是没错的。可是如果勇敢地跳出传统的、已形成习惯的思维定势,将会看到一个浩瀚的、多姿多彩的世界。写作也是一样,一个话题十个人写,九个人想到一处,你写得再好也会因毫无新意、人云亦云, In real life, a piece of white paper with black spots is displayed in front of us, causing us to pay attention to black spots rather than white paper. This may be our instinct, perhaps a habit of mischief, but whether instinctive or habitual, ultimately reflects a long-standing thinking of the situation, and to a certain extent it seems right is not wrong. However, if you bravely jump out of the traditional and established habit of thinking, you will see a vast and colorful world. Writing is the same, a topic written by ten people, nine people think of one place, no matter how good you write will be nothing new, parroting,
The aim of the present investigation was to study the major chromosomal aberrations (CA) like deletion, translocation, inversion and mosaic in prostate cancer p
加强中学词汇教学,培养学生学习运用英语词汇的能力,是中学英语教学的一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。因为中学生在学习英语时普遍感到英语单词难读、难记、难写,这直接影响他们学习英语的兴趣和积极性,甚至影响到他们学习英语的成败,因此教师应在日常授课中寻找并运用有效的具体方法培养学生学习单词的能力,特别是学生自学词汇的能力。  一、词汇的机械记忆法  机械记忆是注意调动眼、口、手、耳、脑多种感觉器官来参与记忆,
Several models of experimental ulcerative colitis have been reported previously. However, none of these models showed the optimum characteristics. Although dext
The coexistence of thyroid diseases with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) can present a challenge in the clinical diagnosis and management for these patients.
This study examined the effects of dietary α-tocopheryl acetate supplementation on antioxidant enzyme activities and fillet quality in commercial-size Sparus m
The objectives of this study were to assess the potential of two photosynthetic bacteria (PSB), Rhodopseudomonas palustris HZ0301 and Rhodobacter sphaeroides HZ