【摘 要】
一、前言目前,求最大前角γ_g及最小后角α_b时,有的根据下式计算(这类公式有四对): tgγ_g=±(tg~2γ_0+tg~2λ_s)~1/2 (1) ctgα_b=±(ctg~2α_0+tg~2λ_s)~1/2 (2) 有的
【机 构】
一、前言目前,求最大前角γ_g及最小后角α_b时,有的根据下式计算(这类公式有四对): tgγ_g=±(tg~2γ_0+tg~2λ_s)~1/2 (1) ctgα_b=±(ctg~2α_0+tg~2λ_s)~1/2 (2) 有的在根号前不带正、负号。当不带正负号时(即只取正值),不能反映前角为负值的情
I. Preface At present, when finding the maximum rake angle γ_g and the minimum clearance angle α_b, some are calculated according to the following formula (there are four pairs of such formulas): tgγ_g = ± (tg ~ 2γ_0 + tg ~ 2λ_s) ~ 1/2 ) ctgα_b = ± (ctg ~ 2α_0 + tg ~ 2λ_s) ~ 1/2 (2) Some without the positive and negative signs before the root number. When there is no sign (that is, only positive), can not reflect the situation before the negative angle
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